So we're planning to tax the rich to fund homebuilding projects like in China or Australia? I could dig it, but can we do that part BEFORE we ban mortgages? Because otherwise we'll just be creating a homeless dystopia like Mao Zedong's.
USSR style. We can all be our ideal selves. We can finally be writers and artists living in our own large single family homes who teach children on the side, but only when we feel up to it.
And no one has to be the guy who works on the sewers or anything unpleasant like that. Plus, maybe someone wants to do that work, idk. And if not, uh... robots can do it. Who builds, programs, hauls around, and uses the robots whose sole job is to unclog sewers? Uh, nerds, I guess. Or... other robots, maybe, idk.
There will be no need for forced labor at all under this new system.
You lack vision here. If we're canceling mortgages, then why not get rid of other expenses? Surely water heat and electricity are human rights and should be covered by taxes. And we could all likely agree on food as well. Why would we coerce people to work jobs they dislike? We could live our ideal lives if only we dismantled the economic system one layer at a time.
...just don't think about the details of how we'll encourage people to do dirty jobs or you'll get downvoted. That's bad vibes.
Bruh, its about valuing the people who work on the sewer more than the people who work at banks making money out of thin air. Its about shifting the whole paradigm of our society and focusing on what matters, I wouldn't expect a "tory" to understand that though.
It is hard to beat the current system that encourages people to work a single profession for ~30 years 5 days a week in order to foster expertise. And somehow, (rightly or not) manages to make most of them feel like they do it willingly.
What idiot thinks anyone wants "stuff for free." What the fuck do you think taxes are? We aren't expecting people to shit houses out of their asses. We're expecting our government WHICH WE PAY to provide us with basic dignity
Also, I'm not sure why you think the government owes every citizen a house.
I'm not arguing against social safety nets, but straight up paying for housing for every citizen is how you end up with everyone living in shoebox apartments.
I'm sure that you haven't even considered the numbers at all on this. If you think the current taxes will pay for it, you're mistaken.
Even if we took the entire military budget, that would be less than $2,500 per citizen per year.
There's an entire corpus of books and documents critiquing the current system and on how a society based on mutual aid would work. None of them "expect everything to be provided for free".
I am not aware of a way to have coercion free society. But I am very sure we can massively reduce the amount of coercion necessary to keep our current society running well.