Millionaires who were behind on their taxes have already paid half-a-billion dollars to get current with the IRS as the agency ratchets up high-level tax...
Annual revenue is roughly $4.71 trillion for FY23. I can't be sure if that includes the $500 million, but if we were to add it to the total revenue, it would be $4.7105, or roughly one tenth of one percent of the total. It's also roughly 1-2% of the amount rich people owe that they aren't paying.
Imagine if you ate at a restaurant with a large group, and when the bill came, it was $14,700. Everyone ponied up, but you were short on what you owed by $100. So you say, "let me run to my car because I have some extra money there." You come back in with a dollar and two quarters.
Should we be excited? Is that a significant portion of what you owe? Is that a significant portion if the bill?
That's my fucking point! THIS ISN'T A REPORT THAT THE RICH ARE BEGINNING TO PAY THEIR TAXES!! This is a report that the rich are continuing to get away with the overwhelming majority of their tax fraud.
Its a good start! Lets send them all digging through their cars. Especially when we know that each of these people actually has far more than a few coins that fell between the seats.
No, it's not a good start. This isn't fucking day one of taxes existing. Tax fraud is theft from everyone else. They owe all of it. Not 1%, not 1.5%, not 2%. They are deep in the hole, and have been for decades. This is 98% continuing tax fraud. A thief that only takes 98% of your wallet is not starting down the path to righteousness.
There will always be some perspective from which the impact of anything can be minimized.
What is the significance of your life, when viewed from the scale of the universe? It's utterly meaningless from this perspective. However, your existence is quite significant to that spider you squished.
Jonas Salk created a polio vaccine that saved countless lives, but whyd he even bother when there are so many other causes of mortality? cool. If you're pro-big-usa-military, then you gained 6 hours. If you're pro-a-bunch-of-other-govt-programs, they hey! Congratulations! There's another half billion
I suppose - but like there decades worth of back taxes. 500 is a good start maybe, but we all know they are dodge taxes and being taxed at lower rates than poor an middle classs and you know what there is no point in even talking about it because itll just work me up and I can't change anything so I'll just keep focusing on my community instead. Thank you.
Braindead reply as expected. How dare they show what they did with the new funding, its almost like they do need to on some level report on the results of now funding efforts so that they can continue to get said funding. Who knew a government organization would allow for some transparency between them and their government & civilians.
Because for the first time in a long time, they got proper funding to do this task. That funding is now back under the gun, so any progress they made is evidence towards or against it continuing.
Yes, i.e. they're trying to trick people into thinking progresses is being made. They're presenting their nothingburger as some kind of win because they need a propaganda victory so people don't do something drastic.