Millionaires who were behind on their taxes have already paid half-a-billion dollars to get current with the IRS as the agency ratchets up high-level tax...
Braindead reply as expected. How dare they show what they did with the new funding, its almost like they do need to on some level report on the results of now funding efforts so that they can continue to get said funding. Who knew a government organization would allow for some transparency between them and their government & civilians.
Because for the first time in a long time, they got proper funding to do this task. That funding is now back under the gun, so any progress they made is evidence towards or against it continuing.
Yes, i.e. they're trying to trick people into thinking progresses is being made. They're presenting their nothingburger as some kind of win because they need a propaganda victory so people don't do something drastic.
I feel like you didn't read the article. This is what basically happened:
IRS got funding
a bit later, IRS says "hey! We got 500 million back so far"
here comes you: "it's a trick!"
They didn't use stats or any framing here. They just reported progress.
If you are being genuine at all, you are grossly misunderstanding the situation and additionally your arguments don't make sense in the grand scheme of things: at some point of debt collection, you will collect less than 1%. From there you keep getting more.