The only platform not yet supported is the Mac Pro, although there probably isn’t much left to do. No, not the “MacBook Pro”, but the “Mac Pro” – the one that looks like a cheese grater and costs thrice as much.
I've always wondered what sort of look they were going for.
When did they give up on the trash can? I miss the trash can. It was easier to call it overpriced garbage when it looked like an actual garbage receptical.
"Here is a work around to fix [weird bug in production]:"
"Edit: Disregard the above. It fixes [weird bug in production] but causes [bad thing] to happen."
"Edit 2: Apparently the first edit is wrong. It doesn't cause [bad thing] to happen. Bad thing just happened to occur simultaneously the first time I did the workaround."
"Edit 3: [weird bug in production] has been fixed. This workaround is no longer needed."
"Edit 4: Turns out [weird bug in production] we fixed is what allowed our systems to communicate with one another. Had to rollback change. Work around is now considered 'the fix' going forward."
"Edit 5: Turns out it DOES cause [bad thing] to happen, but [bad thing happening] is a core component of our system's design and also PAYROLL NEEDS IT TO FUNCTION?!"
MY GUY I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT IT IS I'M JUST FOLLOWING THE DOCUMENTATION. Tried it without biflwop and it says I'm missing a parameter, so what do I put there?
use "nobiflwop"
No changes
Oh, right we don't support 256 on the beta, it only goes up to 128.
Problem isn't just on Linux's side for a change. Louis Rossmann did a video on Netflix's bullshit some weeks ago. Seems it's far from uncommon to not get what you're paying for with those shitbags
when we've had netflix (off and on a couple months at a time, last was about a year and a half ago), we often encountered 540p max playback on "hd" titles that should have (legitimately) been streaming at 1080p; and we rarely were able to use all the simultaneous connections of the plan (usually only limit-1)
I'm still on the old cheapest 720p plan that they no longer offer (waiting to see if they jack the price up or silently move us to a different plan). I stream on too many devices that would require way too much fuckery to get a higher resolution anyways plus we've really only encountered the number of screens limit once
That Fedora Spin just works. This afternoon I fired up mine to a colleague, he was blown away: I've got the Spinning Cube! And the Wobbly Windows! Dzoinggg!
But seriously (tho I love my Cube), kdenlive, Ardour, the works, and all on modern pipewire - just works. It's what I need, it is indeed fantastic work, both from the Asahi team and the Fedora people.
(Yes, I had to do all those things to get Netflix, yikes)
Super interesting read. We get to experience apple's incredible engineering, but we don't often get the chance to see how things work under the hood. This was probably the most interesting article I've read in the past month.
If you want to read the gritty-nitty of how exactly was the Widevine blob patched and worked around specifically to not violate the DMCA, here's the specific article
I regret convincing my parents to subscribe to Netflix instead of using Torrent or Emule.
Fuck these fucking companies that now cost more than bluerays and broadcast content with crappy quality if you don't have a platform that knows how much you're shitting yourself
I have to find the time to do it, I had seen jellyfin as a solution, but I also have to find something that acts as a server, my raspberry pi 3B+ is not powerful enough for 1080p+ streaming
I find this to be an option with Movies/TV Shows but a struggle with Music. At least once my kids were older and listening to stuff. They were constantly asking for stuff to be downloaded, my mom and wife were asking for stuff, my brother, etc. Had a subsonic server set up and just got tired of actively managing it. Spotify isn't great but it works and it saves a headache. I just wish there was better options because I don't like the Spotify app. YouTube Music is even worse, especially since it subscribes to everything on YouTube too so all my subscriptions got jacked up.
i am against paying for DRM streaming services, and i boycott apple products, but i must say this is an impressive hacking effort and a well-executed meme about it. 🥂
If I could easily do this on my desktop/laptop I legitimately might stop pirating media. I would also stop if the streaming companies just let me watch full quality and didn't take away what I purchased because the rights holder decided they want you to buy it again on another platform.
I don't mind much paying for streaming (although that's increasingly more and more annoying and I still tend to just download whatever I actually care about) but until and unless I can pay to "own" a movie and they just provide me with a DRM free video file of some sort, I will never "purchase" digital content like this.
If you tried this kind of bullshit in just about any other context, even normal people would think you're crazy.
Normal Person: "hi there, one blender please. I'll take this one for $25."
Sales person: "Cool here's your receipt."
NP:: "It says here at the bottom of the receipt that you can just come in my house and take this blender back whenever you want or maybe never?"
SP: "yep."
NP:: "And you don't tell people that ahead of time?"
SP: "no when you buy it you agree to that by opening the box and it is on the receipt you get after you bought it."
NP: "you fuckin with me rn?"
SP: "afraid not, and would you look at that corp says I need that blender back, thanks."
SP: "oh, shoot. I see here you also bought a toaster from EvilCorp sold in one of our EvilMart locations a couple years ago, we've decided to license that brand instead to our new partners FukUMart, so we'll be taking that toaster but if you want you can head to your local FukUMart and buy that toaster again for more than you paid the first time."
NP: spontaneously combusts
Anyone who has worked in retail will tell you this is absolutely, concretely, and vehemently something corporate would expect their employees to actually say to customers, so don't go giving them any ideas...
The irony of this article being able to quote those comments for us, the humble readers, while the fucking movie studios can't do the same in a court of law is just... so delicious.
I'm so glad that I subscribed to netflixs DVD rental service. I would get stuff in the mail, rip the disks with handbrake, and send back. Repeat. Torrents where a no go with a 5gb a month satellite ISP.
And as always, DRMs fuck only legitimate customers, and pirates can watch anywhere at full quality.
That's one of the reasons I don't feel bad about pirating any more. Not even the cost, but the fact that if you pay you're going to have a worse experience.
You don't get 4K on Windows or Mac either unless you have a HDCP-compatible display, a supported graphics card, and typically the devices will refuse to initiate a handshake due to the locality check failing, or a difference in HDCP version - Unless you have a "smart" TV you're watching in 1080p or lower.
Piracy point still stands: why pay for a service that does not guarantee to give you what you are specifically paying for, and actually goes out of their way to block your access?
Netflix may take away their subscription but they can't take away my Transmission and VLC.
why is this an L? Linux is fully capable of 4k playback. any Linux user (with a 4k screen) can go to YouTube and watch a 4k video in full quality. Linux support is there, the bandwidth is probably there, the hardware power is there (Asahi Linux is for Apple hardware), so the problem is either Netflix or DRM in general
The level of downvotes on this comment is absolutely wild, although unsurprising since the OP is about a W for Linux...
On the flipside at least we're not a certain other website that restricts user activity based on their internet points... so OC can still participate without their stuff being auto deleted by a bot
Giving you the benefit of the doubt, how is this an 'L' for Linux?
Of course you're allowed to not like Linux enthusiasts; like any hardcore dedicated group, they can be intense and uncompromising... But that has nothing to do with this.