The selling of sex in Canada is legal but military police allege she broke the law with the “unlawful use of military uniforms": police docs
Military police are threatening to charge a sex worker who offers discounts to Canadian soldiers and senior leaders are warning troops to stay away from the Kingston-area woman.
But such efforts have backfired and sex worker Christina Lea Gilchrist tells this newspaper that she is being inundated with messages from military personnel interested in the services she provides.
The selling of sex in Canada is legal but military police allege Gilchrist broke the law with the “unlawful use of military uniforms,” according to police documents.
According to her IG page she posted on the candian forces Reddit about a soldier who removed the condom during intercourse. She was banned for that, and on a totally "unrelated" case threatened to charge her for waring a uniform on her site.
Militaries are really touchy about uniforms. And they are telling their employees what is expected of them within the guidelines that they are able to.
If she isn't impersonating a member of the military, they really can't do anything but bluster about that. But they can charge any member with conduct unbecoming if they are found to have used her services, if found out.
They never said civilians are prohibited from contracting her services.
Something tells me they didn't offer discounts initially, but got exhausted from their clients constantly asking for them that they just started doing them by default. "Yes you're getting a veterans discount, shut up and pay me already"
I think it was a pretty big fuck up for the military to handle it this way.
But at the same time isn't it very common for espionage to happen through prostitution? Prostitutes collecting the badge information of their military customers is legitimately the sort of thing that's a huge intelligence risk.
She's probably now under significant csis communications surveillance. It's actually a little surprising that they sent a memo to the Forces instead of finding a good way of blackmailing her to get her to stop. I'm not saying that's what they should have done, just that it's a little surprising they didn't.
I don't know how they ought to have handled this, but I think they should have done better.
senior leaders are warning troops to stay away from the Kingston-area woman. But such efforts have backfired and sex worker Christina Lea Gilchrist tells this newspaper that she is being inundated with messages from military personnel interested in the services she provides.
*dont hire this gorgeous woman by any means! dont pay her to **** your ****! dont pay her to ***! or do the ****** in any of her sexy uniforms! dont contact her on this instagram account! dont call her to this phone number! and specially dont ask for the discount!