It's important to remember we are doing it for glorious purpose:
From what the capitalists and their non-wealthy sycophants tell me, this is the only way, and we should stop complaining as they end the world to see who can get th highest ego score.
But you don't understand, doing literally the bare minimum would mean 150 people only have 50,000,000x the average persons net worth instead of 100,000,000x!
And I'll never be allowed to be in their club since they all work to make sure poors stay poors someday I might be one of them, so clearly I must defend this to the death of me and all my family and their children.
With more than $46 Trillion in assets worldwide, pension funds are one of the largest institutional investors in fossil fuels.
Given the growing financial risk facing fossil fuel companies, it is no longer a responsible investment to put our hard earned pension dollars into an industry that is wreaking havoc on our planet and frontline communities. Nearly 30% of fossil fuel industry shares are held by pension funds – with as much financial power as pension funds hold, they could be a force to reckon with in the battle to address the climate crisis.
I know this isn't politics or nation state news, but it is deeply troubling for all of us who live on planet Earth. Six standard deviations is mind boggling.
Mods, please remove this if you feel it isn't news worthy. I know it breaks rule 1, but wanted to share.
I'm sorry I forget the source, but I once read something from a scientist that in your entire life, if you reuse/recycle/protect the environment,etc for your own single entire life, you will have starved off climate change for 1 whole second. Mind boggling to know your entire existence comes down to that litter of a difference. The point of what I remember reading was not that individuals are the problem, but that corporations and big industries were the worst offenders doing little to help change.
I mean if every single person on earth did this, it would equate to about 253 years. (8 billion seconds is about 253.68 years) combine that with other efforts could really make a difference. Granted this is a hypothetical number and there are far more factors at play, it's obviously not as simple as each person doing this = 1 second saved, but just throwing out there that there are a lot of people on earth..
It is still worth it to recycle, reduce, don't be wasteful, eat less meat, all those things.
You’ve taken some right steps, but there’s still s long way to go. Various industries, companies and individuals do what makes economic sense to them. Governments decide what makes sense and what doesn’t, but you can influence that by voting.
For example, many industries have used coal and gas, because it made economic sense at the time. Now that emissions trading is in place, using polluting energy sources is less and less appealing. The same sort of shift should take place in other areas as well, and politics is the way to get there. Climate change isn’t a technological problem as much as it’s a political one.
The company I work for uses gigantic barrels of oil to lubricate our AC motors. We're one company in North America out of thousands. There isn't anything you can do.
These are rookie numbers, now make it to 10 sigmas. But seriously, the biggest problem is that global warming is happening very slowly (in human years) and we are kind of normalising it and concentrating on more pressing topics.
I guess our kids or grand kids will read in their history books about our ignorance and scratch their heads wondering how stupid we might have been to allow all this to happen. And they will be absolutely right of course.
We are more concerned about our well being and our consumerism while wanting bigger cars, bigger toys, share prices etc. instead of trying to lead a sustainable life.
Indeed. It's depressing growing up, and the only thing that changes is the severity of the prognosis. We still travel around the world because we're bored. Hours long roundtrip flights are sold at 20-30 USD, probably because of tourism subsidies. Not to mention the many business trips just to "meet in person".
We have all this technology to work from home, to reduce our footprint. But, we don't give a fuck. And this is just travel. Capitalism needs to be curtailed to factor in the long term destruction of the planet, or we'll head there as fast as profit margins allows.
Are today's history books accurate? History has been used for ages to fuel the country's propaganda and are rarely if ever critical to some shameful moments of one's history.
There are some exceptions but they are rather rare I would say.
There was a hank green video about this a year back. Video link here, the tldr was that container ships used to use a type of fuel that was both bad for the environment but also really good at cloud seeding. More clouds shielded the oceans surface from the sun, artificially reducing its temperature. But in 2020 regulations made container ships move to a fuel that didnt seed clouds as much, so fewer clouds, higher temperature.
So i guess one potential take away from that, if its right, is that the temperatures are not "suddenly" getting worse, but rather have been artificially depressed and we are only now going to what it should be.
Actually it's currently being looked at. The basic idea is to add sulfur to kerosine for airplanes to spray that into our atmosphere.
Bad side is it will cause acid rain, but the good side is that it will buy us a few decades that totally won't be abused to speed even more CO2 in the air
If we keep going? Brother, the flag-wavers are waving their jesus-hands in the air as we speak to keep it going. Right-wing ‘conservative’ victories guarantee planetary destruction, and we’re all watching it happen.
This is not a news article, it's a picture of a graph.
In the interest of discussion here, I'll leave it up this time.
Please report this to us earlier, or, if you think our rule about articles only is unfair, I would like to hear your thoughts on if this should be allowed in the future.
Writing to politicians that cover my area. Actively recycling and reusing things. Trying to control my personal footprint. Pushing for and using electric when possible or simply avoiding gas use.
I'm not sure what else I can do to make a more significant impact. I have thought about it for a while and I always come to the same conclusion that mega corporations and the like, should have accountability for what they create, rather than push it to the consumers who purchase.
Sun chips used to use biodegradable bags but stopped due to complaints of noise? I never experienced it so I'm not sure. But seems dumb.
As with any heavy lifting, a team makes the workload easier. Unsure how to press everyone to come together as we did with the ozone layer.
Yes, that's correct. We have not had the technology to accurately track this kind of data until 1982. Essentially the ~30 years of data from 1982-2011 is being used as a baseline. The past ~12 years or so have seen increasing levels of warmth compared to this baseline, and 6 standard deviations in statistics is usually "where did I fuck up my calculations" levels of absurdity. I think it is something like 1 in 500 million odds? I may be wrong, but it happening twice is not a miscalculation.
We could chalk it up to this being a natural phenomenon, but it's more likely that we have reached tipping points in the climate that are now being seen in the data.
Which is what we “knew” in the 70s. Yay we’re more accurate in counting, but the solutions are exactly the same now as they have always been. Renewables, less poison, better infrastructure. All of which are violently opposed by one of the political parties.
It's deviations from the mean, so if the deviation were "3" for example, values of 6, 3, 0, -3 and -6 would be 2, 1, 0, -1, and -2 deviations away from the central line, respectively.
Standard deviation is square root of sums of squared deviations divided by number of samples. Only complex numbers can result in negative values when squared. Negative amout of samples makes even less sense.
Deviation from mean is x - μ, standard deviation is this abomination:
Fun fact you don't need the to specify "recorded" history. The term history already takes that into account. Prehistoric refers to things before records were kept.
It's recorded sea temperatures that allowed us to track changes like this over time that I was referring to. I know that wasn't super clear by the title.