Former president Donald Trump and his Republican rivals for the 2024 election have for months been heavily courting social conservatives and white evangelical Christians, seen as the most influential group in Iowa’s Republican caucuses.
“We thank you for the upcoming election, Lord — or caucus, as we call it in Iowa,” said Hundley, speaking from the sanctuary of his evangelical Christian church in his slight Texas drawl as his parishioners bowed their heads.
“It doesn’t matter what our opinion is,” he went on. “It’s really what’s your opinion that matters. But you’ve given us the privilege of being able to exercise a beautiful gift. The gift of vote. We thank you for that.”
While Hundley stops short of suggesting to his parishioners which candidate divine guidance should lead them to support, he is among more than 300 pastors and other faith leaders who’ve been described as supporters by former President Donald Trump’s campaign. It’s a message that some members of Hundley’s First Church of God have taken to heart, saying their faith informs their intention to caucus for Trump.
Ron Betts, a 72-year-old Republican who said he plans to caucus for “Trump all the way,” said he felt the former president “exemplified what Jesus would do.”
They don't think of it as our country, they think of it as their country that was stolen by secularism and "wokeness." Their version of religion means they must rule at the top of the theocratic hierarchy and force the rest of us to live under a system where women are subservient, sexual minorities are persecuted, and the church writes the law.
And if they successfully turn America into a theocracy then they'll start picking other countries to "liberate" for Jesus.
Not hard to imagine TX sending out "Cruz aides" (say that fast a few times) to spread the love of the Lord. They may need some special inquisitions inquiries to find anyone who undermines their righteous cause.
According to these people He'd lie, cheat, steal and rape his way to power - then He'd con a few people into beating and murdering others while committing insurrection against a democratically-elected gov't.
As a former Christian, I still can't believe how many of these people never even read that book they're so fond of. Not a god damn clue in their heads if they think Trump is anything "Christ like". He does in many ways resemble an anti-christ though, so I could see the Armageddon accelerationists being supporters for their own twisted reasons
Seriously. I know that every president has their own laundry list of "OMG signs of the anti-christ"! However, trump is so on point its actually unsettling. Not a whole lot of stretching required for trump to be the legit anti-christ.
Problem is that people can no longer tell the difference between evangelical Christians and the Republican Party. Evangelicals complain that Christians are hated and persecuted. But people don't hate Christians and they certainly don't want to persecute anyone. However, many people hate the Republican Party. And when you can't tell the difference between the Republican Party and evangelicals, they are hit with hate by proxy.
"The AP VoteCast survey shows that 81% of White evangelical Protestant voters went for Trump this year, compared with 18% who voted for Biden. The Edison exit polls estimate that 76% of White evangelicals voted for Trump, 24% for Biden."
There might be a technical difference between Evangelicals and the Republican Party, but there ain't much of one.
The GOP is a criminal conspiracy to elevate their own figurehead above the reach of politically-actionable law and order. There is no practicable difference between the American Fascist and the partisan Republican. There has not been since the southern strategy. Politicized Christianity is a declaration of intent.
Get fucked religious people, I’m sick of your delusional life. Go somewhere else and fuck it all up, you aren’t wanted here.
I actually want all kinds of different people, as diverse perspectives lead to improved outcomes for everyone.
I just want those people to also accept one another.
Plenty of religious people I know actually are kind and generous and accepting. Their religion isn’t a cudgel to be wielded to silence and command those who think differently, but rather a guide and solace for their own lives.
It’s when religion becomes a worship of the religion itself, a veneration of the rules and structure rather than of the beliefs, that it becomes a problem. And unfortunately that’s what we often see in a large portion of religious folks around the world throughout history. Where the religion becomes a tool to control populations, a path to power, a virtue to signal, rather than a living faith.
But I caution you against hatred of religion for its own sake. We must be intolerant of intolerance, but not intolerant of religion itself.
American Evangelicalism is a tulpamancy cult. I was raised Evangelical, sent to a private Evangelical school, and made to attend several Evangelical churches until adulthood. In all of these communities, it was universally believed that God directly speaks to each person through a special voice in their head. I was very strongly pressured to find, listen to, and obey this voice, and made to feel like I was not a "true believer" for being unable to channel it into glossolalia.
“Modern practitioners, who call themselves "tulpamancers", use the term to refer to a type of willed imaginary friend which practitioners consider to be sentient and relatively independent. Modern practitioners predominantly consider tulpas to be a psychological rather than a paranormal concept. The idea became an important belief in Theosophy.”
This is a huge point that should be talked about more. Tulpamancy isn't pseudoscience, it's very real and religion, especially Christianity, uses it to great effect. The process of finding and cultivating the "voice of God" is the exact process used to create an intentional tulpa of any number of various other types, there are entire internet communities about it. A little bit of research with this context in mind is extremely eye opening.
It's worse than that. Religion was co-opted into the maintenance of slavery, and it caused schisms in multiple sects, including the Baptists, Presbyterians, and Methodists
Generation after generation, Southern pastors adapted their theology to thrive under a terrorist state. Principled critics were exiled or murdered, leaving voices of dissent few and scattered. Southern Christianity evolved in strange directions under ever-increasing isolation. Preachers learned to tailor their message to protect themselves. If all you knew about Christianity came from a close reading of the New Testament, you’d expect that Christians would be hostile to wealth, emphatic in protection of justice, sympathetic to the point of personal pain toward the sick, persecuted and the migrant, and almost socialist in their economic practices. None of these consistent Christian themes served the interests of slave owners, so pastors could either abandon them, obscure them, or flee.
What developed in the South was a theology carefully tailored to meet the needs of a slave state. Biblical emphasis on social justice was rendered miraculously invisible. A book constructed around the central metaphor of slaves finding their freedom was reinterpreted. Messages which might have questioned the inherent superiority of the white race, constrained the authority of property owners, or inspired some interest in the poor or less fortunate could not be taught from a pulpit. Any Christian suggestion of social justice was carefully and safely relegated to “the sweet by and by” where all would be made right at no cost to white worshippers. In the forge of slavery and Jim Crow, a Christian message of courage, love, compassion, and service to others was burned away.
Ron Betts, a 72-year-old Republican who said he plans to caucus for “Trump all the way,” said he felt the former president “exemplified what Jesus would do.”
And lo, did our Lord grabbeth Mary Magdalene by the pussy...
This is what bothers me the most. I've heard the "he's an imperfect vessel" before, which is kind of hard to argue with, albeit super convenient that allows you to support whoever you want.
But this? This is just madness. He exemplified what Jesus would do? How did this guy even get himself to this position? What bible is he reading?
This shit is so aggravating, it's like how tf do you interpret the Bible so badly that you wind up following the guy that checks every box for being the antichrist?
It's the same thing with all my fellow veterans who follow Trump, they all claim he's the best leader, yet I and similarly minded veterans have to wonder wtf leadership classes these idiots got that they would think Trump qualifies for any kind of leadership position, because he absolutely does not.
They only listen to the "right things" Trump says because they only hear it indirectly from secondhand sources who filter out all the crazy and evil parts. Lots of people hate critical thinking and love being spoonfed what they should do and believe. Ignorance is bliss and they fully embrace it because they hate confrontation, feelings of helplessness, and guilt (if they ever realize they're on the wrong side).
Of course, this doesn't include all Trump voters; this does describe a large portion of the church-goers though, especially the older folk. This is my anecdotal opinion from when I used to regularly attend church a few years ago before I became an atheist. There are a lot of good, but really stupid people in Christian churches who will actively avoid anyone trying to burst their bubble. The only real way to fight it is convince the people feeding them information to change their tune, which is basically impossible. The best you can do is swap them out for new people who aren't intentionally manipulative and misleading. Unfortunately, those kinds of people are naturally attracted to the position due to how trusting the "flock" can be.
If you think your faith leads you to Trump, then you've betrayed basically every tenant of your faith to get to that conclusion.
but then again, these people never read their bibles, so they have no idea what their faith actually is besides what the hateful, manipulative and money grubbing preachers spout at them to believe.
In the book series Incarnations of Immortality, the devil, in the absence of a participating god, started putting up billboards with sexy demons promising you everything you want and more of you choose Satan. Just sign up! Just vote for Trump!
To "follow their faith" they'd have to know what the hell it was. Hypocrites blow in the wind and would call Jesus a "Sociologist/Marxist libcuck" if they saw him in real life. Fucking evil circus.
While it’s cathartic to ridicule fundamentalist Christian’s knowledge of their own faith as the only possible source of such dissonance, I imagine their view of the Great Cheetoh is also very far from reality. It’s not just the Bible they quote as something they don’t know, but the last 8 years of history? Any actual news in that time? Trumps background as a reality show host, but before that decades of questionable real estate fraud?
So how is it possible that they either don’t know or don’t care who Trump has proven himself to be, over and over? How could they have missed so much reality, or willfully ignored the last bright years?
Yet sheep aren’t lemmings. They don’t blindly follow the crowd off a cliff to their doom (urban legend is false though). The shepherd is supposed to guide and protect while still allowing them the freedom to be themselves within the herd
If your conscience and your religion lead you to an idiotic, misogynic and xenophobic fraud with obvious delusions, you don't actually have the former and the latter is irrepairably broken.
If you're American, they're not yanks as they aren't Yankees. But to the rest of us, everyone who is a citizen of the US is a yank, regardless of if they're a Yankee or not. Fair point on the rest though.
I thought Church of England was kind of like model railroading. It's a rather niche hobby that no one outside of it really understands. Though unlike model railroading, Church of England was started by divorce, and wasn't the cause.
These are small town yokels. They can't imagine any scenario where they aren't the majority while simultaneously believing that they are the most oppressed group in the history of the world.