In response to complaints about its coverage, CBC says Israeli state violence is different than Hamas’ violence because the killing of Palestinians happens “remotely”
1% of Gaza, 0.004% of all Palestinians. An awful tragedy and must be stopped. I could be convinced otherwise but that doesn't sound like genocide or ethnic cleansing. It sounds like 150 times fewer civilian casualties than the Iraq war, proportionate to the population.
It's the most disgusting but most honest corporate term I have ever seen. Palestinians aren't real to these people. They are clumped together into "casualties" and maybe, if they are lucky, "civilian casualties". How many "non-real person" deaths does it take to force people to acknowledge this genocide?
Bombs dropped from thousands of feet and artillery shells lofted into Gaza from kilometers away result in death and destruction on a massive scale, but it is carried out remotely. The deadly results are unseen by those who caused them and the source unseen by those [who] suffer and die.
It’s a different kind of event and is described differently as ‘intensive,’ ‘unrelenting,’ and ‘punishing,’ raining death and destruction on one of the most densely populated places on earth…They are different stories, and we have tried to describe both accurately and vividly.
It's not "murderous" if it's done from far away, apparently. Hitler didn't personally see the Jews he sent to the death camps so he wasn't "murderous" he was just "unrelenting" and "intensive." Aww he was just a hard worker then, bless his cotton socks.
It's like when the Nazis were attacked by the French Resistance in Occupied France and then went to some village and killed 10 random villagers for each dead German as reprisal.
The main difference here is that the total ratio is already pass the 20-to-1 mark and 10-to-1 is the ratio Palestinian children murdered per Israeli for each Israeli murdered by Hamas.
There have been more civilians killed in the latest atrocities by the Israelis in Gaza in only three months than the number of all Ukrainian civilians dead in almost 2 years. but they haven't spared one bad word of the dictionary in describing Putin's war in Ukraine while banning their journalists from describing Israel's atrocities as brutal.
If this isn't racism and viewing one race more worthy of humanity and empathy than another, than I don't know what it could be, cause maybe we need a better word to describe both "racism + hypocrisy "
Not merelly racism, but the cold, extreme, violent kind of racism practiced by the Nazis.
Even the KKK in a country of 350 million people did not manage to murder so many of those they deemed "lesser" in decades as the Israelis are doing to those they call "human animals" in a few months.
I did not at all thought like this when all this started, but by now all I see is the disgusting parallel with how the Nazis thought and, worse, how they acted, and can only conclude that those at this point excusing, whitewashing or even supporting the actions of the State Of Israel are Nazi-lovers.
At this point this shit has transcended the racism of Appartheid and the "mild" style of Fascism in places like Italy, and has reached the kind of ultra-racist violent Fascism of the Nazis.
Ukraine doesn't use human shield tactics, and Ukraine population density is like 100 times less than Gaza's. So that might explain some of it. But the wars are completely different in many other ways as well. In Ukraine there are clear front lines, and Ukraine has been successful in not letting Russia completely screw over every part of their country, at a huge cost in soldier deaths. The cities where Russia did invade are shot to hell and civilian massacre figures are similar to Gaza.
If we speak about morality, Russia was not threatened by Ukraine, whereas Israel is constantly being threatened by Hamas and many of its neighbors. Ukraine did not start the war, Russia did in 2014. Hamas started the war against Israel.
Also, Hamas is not reporting how many of those 22,600 were combatants. It's certainly not all of them, but is certainly more than 0.
We're gonna find more than that died due to the nightmarish health and sanitation conditions caused by. IDF bombing hospitals, if what I've heard about the outbreak of dysentery and hepatitis is right.
Dunno how you calculated that, but if the 22600 figure is correct, it's 2.8%. Gaza population is currently 800,636 (edit I guess this is could be an estimate, not an exact figure). Still growing even with this war, apparently.edit2 <= junk figures based on shit source I guess.
Against Palestine population it's 0.4%.
Does Hamas report itself how many of its soldiers are in that 22600, or is it claiming that all of these fatalities are actual civilians?
The 22,600 figure is most likely a severe underestimate of the people murdered by occupation forces in Gaza (and elsewhere, because they've been murdering people in the West Bank and Lebanon as well). I shared this in another comment but The Lancet published this which determined there was no evidence that the Gaza Ministry of Health is inflating these statistics, if anything they are being under reported.
As for how many are "actual civilians" the way that is being reported currently heavily favors the narrative of the occupation because the assumption is simply that all males over the age of 13 are combatants, and even using this absurd framing around 61% of those killed are women and children. The occupation forces have proportionately killed more journalists and UN aid workers than in any other conflict in recent history.
History will judge Israel and its supporters harshly.
If that doesn't merit the terms "murderous" and "brutal," what in hell does??? I do agree that both terms are a bit too lenient and lighthearted for what they are actually doing. But, I'm sure the next generation of Palestinians won't be already amassing arms in anticipation of a bloody retaliation necessitating further non-"murderous" responses from Israel in the future. Right?
Semantics. It's genocide then. Or some other more technical term. There's a word for it, who cares? Everyone knows what we mean. And that's the point of words. To covey a meaning from one mind to another.
If you want to play the semantics game and abolish in-context definitions of words, then abolish all slang and idioms too.
20,000 is low numbers for the British. If they admit that's too many people killed, they'd have to admit that they're an island descended from murderous, genocidal zealots and colonizing savages.
I mean, you're right. In terms of proportionality, are the terms fair? No, they aren't, for the reason you point out. They aren't proportionately more brutal than other responses to terrorism. 22,500 is 0.004% of the population of Palestine. There's Colonialists that have wiped out entire populations, but like the war in Iraq killed 0.6% of the population. Proportionately, Iraq killed 150 times more civilians, if I'm doing this math correctly. Not my strongest skill.
Is this 22,600 number accurate? It's more precise than I would expect. I've also seen estimates of 8000 hamas militants killed, which is presumably included here as the Gaza authorities have never previously made a distinction. That suggests about 2 civilian deaths per soldier killed which is honestly a lot less than I would expect given all the "genocide" rhetoric.
I think Afghanistan ended up being about 1 civilian per 2 soldiers? That's 4x lower, but was largely fought in low population density deserts. Is there even a modern equivalent to draw a comparison with to gauge what a "normal" civilian casualty rate is for urban warfare?
How so? I obviously assume the numbers on both sides are exaggerated, which is why I rounded everything in favor of there being more civilian deaths. How many hamas fighters do you think have been killed?
"Did that even happen?
And if it did, was it that bad?
And if it was, was it that big of a deal?
And if it was, does it matter?
And if it does, did they mean it?
And if they did, didn't the victims deserve it?"
The narcissist's prayer is no less cowardly when you phrase it in question form.
It’s an interesting argument. Does Israel not get to claim moral outrage if Palestinians bomb school buses because that’s just what happens in war? If there is no morality in war, Hamas did nothing wrong, correct? Rapes happen in war. Deaths of children happen in war. Could Iran use nerve gas against Tel Aviv and have it simply written off as “that’s what happens?”
Asking as someone who has fired and been fired upon at the request of my government.
Well I mean, Hamas decided to go to war in a tiny little area, densely populated. They knew they would have the shit bombed out of them and that why they build their bunkers and munitions depots under apartment buildings. Hamas launches thousands of rockets at Israel and have 40,000 soldiers operating what is apparently the longest existing and most developed tunnel warfare machine in modern memory.