If it's popular enough maybe. For now it's averaging 17-18k visits monthly so not even a drop in the ocean. But yeah i can't post the direct link to rdx on Reddit. I have to post Github link.
This is about the best thing I could have hoped for, so I really hope it doesn't get taken down! (but then again, the for-profit Fandom wiki farm hasn't taken down Breezewiki or other mirror sites yet, so maybe corporations figure this sort of thing isn't worth the effort to take down.🤞
Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'https://www.reddit.com/r/all/.json?limit=20' from origin 'https://rdx.overdevs.com' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
Tested with both ungoogled-chromium and firefox without cookies
is ok to have workarounds, but i am pretty sure this can be implemented on the app side too. Thanks for the hint tho, at least if i need it i can use it
I would love to fix this, most people who have this issue are using enhanced privacy/tracking protection settings that block the reddit url or have VPN/proxies turned on. Unfortunately reddit blocks that traffic in the guise of preventing spam/scrapping.
Now I can put up a server and bypass the traffic through my VPS and make the reddit content available to rdx(which libreddit used to do before reddit tightened their API). But soon enough they will ban my server, I will have to buy another and this keeps going on and on. That will be too much effort for too little gain.
However if there are already some servers that make the reddit JSON available through some proxy, I am all for adding it to the app. However I couldn't find anything that will even last a week.
Check the console of your browser. Browser's aggressive privacy controls may be automatically blocking the json call to reddit's api. (right click, inspect element)
Doesn’t work for me on mobile (IOS) too, unfortunately. I have adguard, firefox focus extensions on safari, and use Mullvad’s DNS blocking. I’ll have to go check which of them is breaking it, but I hope I won’t need to turn off anything huge for it to work. Either way, thanks for this, I’ve been using SinkIT for reddit to get a better mobile viewing experience, and this may be a better alternative.
The link appears below all the content that is loaded. Since there is some setting in your browser blocking the loading of one XHR request to Reddit the content doesn't load at all and the BMAC links appears at top. Donating is completely optional and I don't expect people who can't see the content will donate anyway. However once in a while when someone donates I get some satisfaction that people are using what I built and are happy with it.
Though I agree the link is too big and feels like an AD I will make it smaller, or you can just fork the repo and remove the link entirely.
You can add it to your homescreen and then the navigation bar stays fixed so it's easier to navigate that way. Also it uses localstorage to save your settings/subs etc and ios clears the localstorage after 7 days of the last visit to any website. Adding to homescreen prevents that too, on Android localstorage is saved permanently.
Thanks for the reply :)
Do you know if it is possible to access the settings page after adding the site to the home screen on iOS?
Importing the subscriptions in the browser and then adding the page to the home screen does not seem to transfer the subscriptions unfortunately.
If Reddit had a good UI I would return in a heartbeat. I'm sick of small, practically inactive communities for hobbies and these shallow, poorly developed calls for the end of capitalism being shoved down my throat.
Well cheers to reddit for having a bad UI then, we love having you here.
I really hope Lemmy grows out to also fill in the small inactive communities, a social media without corporate incentives to milk out the users has so much potential.
Is this a popular opinion? I'm sort of shocked at the amount of upvotes this got tbh. Lemmy fulfills my reddit cravings, and honestly feels like a more mature community to me
Which is funny when you compare it to the early days of Reddit, where people associated with a product were specifically prohibited from being in charge of their subreddit. It was to prevent the people who make a product from silencing criticism. Like if there’s a TV show, the show runners and studio weren’t allowed to moderate the community. If the show is hot garbage, the studio couldn’t use mods to silence the criticism via post/comment deletion, bans, etc… The entire point was for the subs to be run by the people who consume said product.
But that has been entirely flipped, where there are official subs run by corporate PR firms.
Yeah. Lemmy is tiny and doesn't have the community to be good yet.
I'm happy to be in both places for now, Reddit for more in-depth and interesting conversations. Lemmy is getting there but there's many times when posts in my hobbies have no replies or 1 or 2. The community just isn't there unless I want a glorified news rss feed.
This brings me to a conversation that I wish more people talked about: I'm totally fine with (and even like the concept of) anonymous analytics. It gives the website owner insight onto what the aggregate is doing, helping the website respond to demands.
But the problem is when the analytics providers themselves abuse that data and sell it in some way.
It literally just makes one API call to fetch the data from reddit, that could have been blocked by privacy settings of your browser. You can look at the browser console for more information.
I've been selfhosting this for months, it works great. Only thing is that most of the time I scroll through the same post like 20 times a day, i don't know why.
One reason could be you being subscribed to a dead subreddit. See what it does when you subscribe to subreddits is create a Multireddit of all the subs. Now if a dead sub's last post was some months ago t will keep showing in the feed until you unsubscribe.
This is wonderful! I occasionally go back out of curiosity (aka to confirm it’s still trash) but refuse to engage. I’d hoped I could find an extension that would prevent accidentally upvoting or commenting. This is much better. I’d give you gold but “we don’t do that here.”
This is absolutely amazing, the actual Reddit site is so buggy on mobile. half the time can't even get it to scroll or show more comments. this will circumvent the need for Reddit entirely when looking for specific or niche info. thanks for sharing!
P.s. you have your markdown reversed with the links - the text needs to be in the square brackets with the link in the parentheses. [text](https://example.com)
Hey - thanks for doing this. There’s one sub for a specialty 3d printer I want to keep tabs on but the sub is “unreviewed“ and unavailable on the web as it may contain inappropriate content (it doesn’t, unless you count people removed about component troubleshooting). It’s available on your gateway. It seems to bypass all content restrictions, convenient for mobile browsing.
When I opened in my lemmy client (aka works in safari for iOS) it loaded just fine but posts don’t seem to populate when I open in Firefox/firefox focus
I will have to figure that one out, may take some time. Or if you already know how to put some html pages on an onion server you can copy the files from Github and upload them yourselves, I will link to it happily.