Partial disability from a car breaking my neck and back, causing issues with posture :: I have super human strength and endurance I use to fuck up cars for fun
It's not a fortunate power, but time stops for everyone and everything until you are doing something that's even slightly productive.
The cosmic burden of knowing that all of time relies on you getting off the couch, grabbing a shower, and getting done whatever tedious chore you've been putting off. Constantly.
Nine times out of ten, when a question is asked on the internet- it gets taken out of contexts so the people answering can platform whatever dumb shit they feel they need to say.
I'm very forgetful, so I guess in this scenario I have an eidetic memory. I become one of those weird guys who wins every game show due to my fantastic recall of everything I've ever read, seen or heard.
I have always said if I could re-roll my stats I would trade whatever amount of intelligence I supposedly have to be dumb as a box of fucking rocks with a ludicrous amount of charisma.
My gremlins that used to crawl over every inch of my home taking things apart, leaving things in senseless places, and constantly asking for food, a listening ear and a hug - are now helping me out around the house, listening when I need another perspective and generally helping keep me out of trouble.
The world is invaded by day walker vampires somehow. Most of the human population is dead or turned, those remaining live under a cloud of distrust and paranoia - anyone could be a vampire. even the people you know could've been turned since you last saw them.
I don't notice. Because of social anxiety, I stayed indoors.
I can never be angry. Hmm guess I would change my career to be some guy who teaches seminars or does anger management sessions. Or maybe IT for the DMV.
Not my weakness becoming a strength, but going away and now I am a different person, my inverse? But my strengths do not become weaknesses?
Disorganization is my bane, and a complete inability to multitask, so I guess I would either be obsessive/compulsive or would be able to be an executive assistant or politician.
Ok, please do indulge me on this one, because this whole subject is an enigma to me and has been mentally eating at me over the years.
How do men and women meet in a nightclub and then end up having a one-night stand?
Part of the reason I don't like clubbing is that it triggers feelings of jealousy within me.
I have a friend, let's just call him Matt. Whenever I've been out with Matt, women have always thrown themselves at him whereas my experiences by comparison have led to nothing but rejection.
There is nothing particularly special about Matt. He's a year younger than me, looks about average for someone in their early thirties, yet has infinitely more rizz. I can't put my finger on it.
Instead of being guilt-ridden and terrified of making mistakes, especially if they might cause harm to others, I get... antisocial personality disorder? Fuck.
I'm not really sure what my biggest weakness is, but I'll just say its my crippling fear of asking people for stuff. So now, either people ask me for things, or whatever I ask other people to do is immediately done? More confusing than a strength I'd say.