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    • The key detail being the following. "The US National Ignition Facility (NIF) has made significant strides in nuclear fusion, but it’s not yet efficient enough for power grid use. The facility’s laser system loses over 99% of the energy in a single ignition attempt."

      I truly hope that fully maintained nuclear fusion will become a reality. However, I don't see this being achievable for another few decades.

  • Clarke's 3001 had a whole post script about all the sci-fi elements that had actually been realised since he wrote 2001 (back in 1968). It's rather an interesting list, but unfortunately my copy of the book is buried deep in a moving box atm. so I'm not going to quote it.

  • AI is already well underway, so that's probably the most plausible soonest.

    A fully reusable rocket in the form of Starship is also well underway and should be successfully orbiting for the first time soon. Just a matter of a year or two before it's doing workhorse cargo launches probably.

    The new round of superconductor possibility might pan out, which would be another one. But that's more of a yes/no outcome that hasn't quite been settled yet, rather than something with a "completion bar."