Uh, what's happening here? The post shows no content for me, and clicking on the title only redirects me back to the post itself. Yet other people in the comment section are talking as if there was some specific content here, other than just the title "ravages of socialism".
Am I missing something here? Is there a malfunction, or did OP edit their post after the fact so that the actual content is just gone?
He got addicted to benzos and had himself put in a coma in russia to cold turkey it (against advice to ween off it from doctors in north america). Shit got fucky and he got brain damage from it.
Couple levels of lols there since he did papers on drug addiction in the past and his schtick is not looking for easy answers... but thats the one he took.
You want to change the world? Ok good, is your hair perfect? Well if you can't even manage a few strands of your own hair why should anyone listen to what you have to say about anything?
I assume the first one is the reference to his absolute bullshit claim that he had a glass of apple juice and then literally did not sleep for a month. And people eat that shit up.
It's funny when - a man who spent his career reinforcing the bullshit societal biases that make it harder for men to share emotions - cries and shares his emotions.
Fixed that for you. Decidedly not sacasm.
I am sorry that he had to suffer such trauma, but hopefully it helps people realise how full of shit he was.
But when he cried and shared his emotions everyone teared into him because of it and just added it as another reason to make fun of him, so... was he really that wrong?