Should I be aggressively vegan? Should I isolate myself from all my non-vegan friends which equals all my friends? Should I kill over veganism? I feel complicit but I don't want to lose all my friends. Should I get over it?
the veganfreak podcast said it best IMHO, primarily you need to be a healthy and happy vegan , you need to present to people a positive vision of what being a vegan might be like to them, it needs to be something they could see themselves doing. Be happy, be excited about what you eat , share that with others. I know billions of animals get murdered each day and we need to stop that but I think the slow game I laid out above is the only real way.
Aside from Weird Al, is there any other kind of Vegan? Please continue to educate me about my meat sins while feeding your pet cat carrots until it goes blind so no animals are harmed. It's the only way I will learn.
It helps to see your enemies as victims, who are not as in control of their habits as you are, for whatever reason. Just imagine, if a child didn't have the right idea, you wouldn't scream at it, but patiently try to convince it by spreading the facts.