Anyone who is a Republican at this point is actively supporting the white power / Christian nationalist movement and the fascist takeover. That is to say, they're in support of the purification movement and genocide whether or not they personally believe in the culture war or are a fiscal conservative loyalist.
43 years of failed fiscal conservative policy only served to accelerate the Republican party toward fascism and the Trump takeover of the GOP during the 2015-2016 primary. So it essentially was fascism all along.
As heinous as their child predation and corruption of office have been, war profiteering, bonded labor exploitation, global pollution, suppression of harm assessment science and pushing deadly addictive pharmaceuticals all put their immorality at an exponentially higher scale.
This was always the point of the "groomer" rhetoric and the attacks on trans people; the total removal of rights for LGBTQ people. Just like assaults on abortion access, where the point is to eventually remove all women's rights.
It's so coordinated and long-term-planned-out. I wish the news covered it with a bit more context, instead of sometimes writing as if these events are all unrelated and these are just 'natural' shifts in public opinion.
I wish the left (the real left, not corporate Democrats) were half as good at strategy as conservatives are. It's a shame such brilliance is wasted on the worst people on the planet.
When the vast majority of people get “the news” from outlets that are all ultimately owned by a few specific billionaires … this is a surprise outcome to you?
It's depressing how much progress has seemingly fallen apart before my eyes. I know some things are generally better than the have been. But these attacks are exhausting
Agreed. I'm doing my damnedest not to catastrophize, but it's hard when one of the two major political parties in this country is running on a platform specifically demonizing and targeting my community and people like me in particular.
My 2¢ as someone who runs a lot of sentiment surveys…
I could be wrong, but the Dem dip feels like it could be normal survey noise. It seems to go up and down about 4 to 5% from the historical trend line. Also, progressives are kind of a bit more of a noisy respondent group. You have less old folks, less land lines, less people with the time / energy to talk to researchers.
The GOP dip though… that looks like it’s abnormal compared to the historical trend line.
This is disgusting. 8 years ago people where getting to the point where they would say "why did it take us so long?" Now it's sharply sliding backwards.
Just like the GOP with climate change. Full on aggressive denialism is back on the menu. Now that people are in echo chambers, reality can be whatever you want it to be.
Only 41% of Republicans say gay or lesbian relations are morally acceptable, according to Gallup.
That is a 15% drop from 2022, the largest single-year change since Gallup began asking the question.
Democratic approval also fell from 85% to 79%.
I've always said that ultimately the only people we can rely on are ourselves, the queer community.
The GOP jump seems notable and steep, but the Democratic dip feels like it’s in line with the normal noise and variance that you get with a reoccurring survey.
You’re going to get normal peaks and valleys with a reoccurring survey. The respondent pools are never identical year over year. And with progressives, who skew younger and don’t answer phone surveys, you’re going to have even more noise.
I think the point is that there was also a dip with Dems. But IMHO, as someone who runs a lot of surveys for a living, the key it to look at the overall trend line, not one data point. And the overall democratic trend line over the past few years seems to have some noise in it that vacillates + or - 5% from the trend line.
The GOP line though… that feels like a change from historical trend line.
The people who talk about kindness are centrists. They're the same people who want compromise between the left, who want rights and protections for citizens, and the right, who want to demonize and murder people. Do not tolerate centrists.