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  • Yes! Hello, please you are wondering how can you access of wonderful database of kindly line producers for your business sector! Please kindly to contact our emails below for the complete listung with our discounted rates.

    Romantically Yours,


    Kingfuck Limited, Guangzhou Guangdong

  • I don't even own a business, and I get that all the time. I just have a custom domain for my email.

  • I worked with a startup once where we had individual company emails and had a good giggle at how different the spam is compared to personal stuff! Mostly in our case it was dubious offers of office space, furniture and other such services.

  • I don't even own a business and I get this madness. I was a CTO at a company that was big enough to get attention; then it sold and I left. But I still get lots of proposals for ways people can help me take that company "to the next level." They even send them to my new work email address where I'm not in the c-suite.