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What's involved in your budgeting method?

I think budgeting and practical finances should be taught at multiple stages throughout a student's life. I thought I knew the general idea but didn't appreciate how much neglecting it would set me back.

What is your process for budgeting? As a starting point this article lists a few methods.

I use zero based budgeting where every dollar is assigned a purpose. I don't end up sticking exactly to the plan, but I do keep a spreadsheet which lists my current balances and all expected expenses, so I can see my future balance and avoid going in the red. A couple times a month I cross off expenses which have been paid and update the balance. This is especially helpful to me because a big portion of my income is irregular month to month.

  • None really. I think I've always been in a privileged enough position that I never really needed to worry. I'm not a big impulse buyer and tend to regulate myself on this. If I buy something that I don't really use as much as I thought I would, it annoys me so much that I become much more conservative with spending in the following weeks/months. It kinda self-regulates.

    I don't have a car, and instead bike everywhere or use public transport which saves me a lot of money. This is again a privilege, because I managed to land an affordable place to live that's close to work.

    My only way of keeping track of all this is the division between my payment and savings accounts. If my payment account goes above a certain value, I move money to my savings account. As long as this keeps happening regularly, like it has for years, I have nothing to worry about. Obviously I do check the details of my spending every now and then, but nothing organised.

  • just a spreadsheet, every paycheck gets a row. I write in how much to savings, spending, etc. then how much I spent of last paycheck. make sure everything lines up with what bank acct is at. works pretty okay for me

  • Apparently my method is a mix of those listed in the text.

    I'm in a similar situation as OP, some of my income is irregular. So my monthly budget isn't directly based on the last month income, I use the average of the last six months, relying on a checking account for that. (I keep it with enough money to last me one or two months.)

    Then I split that budget into four categories:

    • savings - I aim for 25%. Into the saving account it goes.
    • monthly fixed expenses - periodic, somewhat predictable, monthly. For example bills, cornmeal and rice, cat food, etc.
    • variable expenses - they're necessities like the above, but there's some wiggling room. Like, if necessary I don't mind eating eggs four lunches a week and walking instead of taking a bus, but I'd rather not to. Usually split into four weeks, so I expend it gradually.
    • "fluff"¹ - avoidable expenses that I still want for some reason like "it improves my mood". Things for my hobbies, going to a restaurant, buying nicer clothes or hardware, etc. Unused fluff gets transferred to my savings account in the following month.

    Then here's how I address some complexities:

    • periodic expenses for things that I buy every few months (e.g. gas canisters) - I include a fraction of them into the monthly fixed expenses, and only remove the money from the checking account when buying it
    • erratic but large expenses (e.g. house repairs) - I usually "borrow" this money from the savings, then "repay" it in the following months, as a fixed expense².
    • high income multiple months in a row - I cap the budget and send the overflow to the savings.
    • low income multiple months in a row - cut down fluff, then reduce variable expenses, then reduce monthly fixed expenses, then reduce savings, in this order.
    • really low income multiple months in a row - if really necessary I borrow from the savings, keeping in mind that I'll need to repay myself.


    1. The actual name that I give to this category is "imposto das lombrigas", or roughly "roundworm tax". That's from from my family jokingly referring to cravings as "to have roundworms for [something].
    2. Some people might use a credit card instead for that, to build credit; that also works, but it depends a lot on the government that you pay taxes to. I do have a credit card but I tend to avoid it, as often there are discounts for paying things in cash.
  • Every month, I put some money into a savings account for future apartment, and a fund. I try to buy the essentials and little extra. My income is regular as long as I'm employed...

  • At the start of 2023 there wasn't one for me. I was in a rut and generally felt that if I didn't spend the money on myself, my SO would. About 6 months later I had one entire paycheck vanish midway through the week from excessive takeout purchases (150+ daily) and quickly set a budget. We each get about 200 a week for 'allowance' to do with as we please, about another 200 for food for both of us, and the rest was going into aavings/toward bills, but then in November I realized just how little the principle on the credit card we haven't used in two years was being paid with auto-pay and diverted the savings money towards that.

    Currently, I've knocked down the CC by a third, plan to get it under control by march of work keeps up, then going back into savings and continuing with the basic plan.

  • I pay everything with credit card and pay it off each month, so my credit card statement works as my expense report