Got to justify asking for more money to roll this shit out. Glad we get our moneys worth out of all that fiber we already paid for ...... Over and over and over again already. guess there's no limits when its not your money..
In the US, the government doesn't spend money on mobile operators. In fact, mobile operators pay the government for use of radio frequencies used to provide services.
... Huh? Any source for this outlandish claim? Asking because I've been an engineer who facilitates cell tower backhaul for mobile and private cell towers and that sounds outrageously false. You do have to certify that the channels/bands are in spec and that they don't exceed certain power limits with the FCC but that's simply because they're the regulatory body and certainly doesn't mean the government gets free services
If we wanted to dick measure, you would lose. I've managed the deployment of over a half million cell sites in the US and abroad. Been in the room when these businesses were created. Frequency auctions have been held by the FCC for mobile services since Clinton. Go to their web site and check it out for yourself.
Just read the part where we created a fund for them to fight over to help with the roll out ..... Wait here I'll paste it for you.
" Interestingly enough, the FCC does not currently have any plans to punish the trio, instead has created a new initiative to apply for federal funds. All three will be invited to apply for the Government hand-out. This is perhaps the latest example of a toothless watchdog, with the bureaucrats in charge in procession of the same spine as a lifeless slug.
The new fund will make $9 billion available to ensure 5G connectivity reaches the areas in the US which the telcos elect to ignore."
Don't be draft thinking you know what goes on above your paygrade. All and every teleco are the definition of leeches. And for shure get money from DA gubberment.