Jokes aside, it's fucked up to normalize maiming a baby by cutting skin off their dick when they are unable to consent, all in an attempt to deprive them of their sexuality years later and rip away protection to a sensitive area for no reason other than tradition. Really, there is no medically substantiated reason is the vast majority of the population except in instances of a birth defect.
It's always upsetting no matter what but the biggest upset is when people do this to their children when they're not even religious, which is common in the US and South Korea. I don't think some parents realise how abnormal it is.
Imma point out that you don’t have a point of comparison. It doesn’t cause a complete inability to feel pleasure, but it absolutely has a significant impact on sensitivity.
Very much so, in particular Puritans wanted to stop boys from touching themselves. And in a sense it very much works, you don't hear "used the wrong stuff for lube" types of stories out of Europe because we don't need any in the first place (modulo using a masturbator which btw yes you should totally get, Tenga Airtech are cheap, durable, and also otherwise high-performance).
thats not the reason people do circumcision. most people do it for religious purposes. to argue that it is a human rights violation is to argue that people are not allowed to have a religion. religions such as Judaism circumcise because to show that they made a covenant with god. it is a huge important part of Judaism. you cant take away peoples religious beliefs if they arent being enforced on people who arent in that belief.
Your rights to practice religion ends when it starts infringing on the rights of another person. You are not entitled to harming others for your own religious needs.
You can do whatever you want with your own body in the name of religion. Just do not mutilate your own child.
Imagine if a different religion warrants cutting off the nipples of newborns, or ripping off a nail, or skinning a toe. That is how barbaric you sound when you say 'it's fine to cut off the skin of my child's penis'.
Are you aware the majority of Americans are not jewish but were subjected to genital mutilation after birth? It is not a religious thing here primarily, it's a practice that was started by a prude named Kellog to explicitly make it more difficult to masturbate and because it is "cleaner," which is a dubious claim at best.
To be clear, nobody is saying that circumcision is always a human rights violation. Only when it is done to a child who cannot consent. If an adult were to choose to get circumcised then that would be his right.
you cant take away peoples religious beliefs if they arent being enforced on people who arent in that belief.
This is exactly the problem. Children are typically circumcised shortly after birth. They are not part of any belief and cannot even speak, let alone consent to something as serious and irreversible as a circumcision. It is being forced on them.
People are allowed to have and practice their religion. They should not be allowed to force their beliefs on others, even their own kids.
If course this all ignores the fact that many circumcisions (in the US at least) are not performed for explicitly religious reasons.
But they can take away my foreskin without my consent? No, fuck that and fuck the religions that normalize the mutilation of children's genitals. Wild that I even have to say that to you.
Okay, but why should it be acceptable to induct a child into a religion from the moment of birth, spend their formative years being taught a belief system that they have no ability to think critically about, while isolating them from alternative systems of belief? Why shouldn't it be the norm to raise your children on the idea of all religious beliefs or lack thereof being equally valid and plausible, that we can't prove one or another definitively true so it becomes a matter of "what do you chose to have blind faith in?", and let them decide as an adult?
Circumcision deprives sexuality?? So I would be even MORE horny is I wasn't circumcised?! I can't believe that. I don't think my kids will be circumcised if I have ever have any because it is pretty archaic but I don't see any reason to be mad about it.