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What has been the best thing that has happened to you so far?

Either by choice or sheer luck. What is something that has happened to you that made your life actively better?

(So far) For me it has been me finally able to move out of my parents home.

  • My son was born healthy. Became a father I guess would be more "to me"...

  • I had a zit on my armpit that made an audible pop, my soul still shivers from that one. Also marrying my husband.

  • Cutting ties with my dad, he was a giant angry child who would verbally and mentally abuse me and my mother and other family members.

    Haven't spoken to him in over 5 years and I've gotten overall happier and healthier both physically and mentally.

  • My life is one lucky decision after another and I couldn't be happier with where I ended up. Fucked off in high school but somehow got into college (jk, I know how I got in ($$)), dropped out, fucked around, went to school for my current field literally to buy time, fucked around but got out, fucked around at work and decided to join the service. Fucking around was frowned upon so I finally turned it around. Came out, got better at civilian job, lived with friends from the service for one year in a town that happened to be like 25 miles from where my future wife was just finishing school, and so our dating profile search rings matched up for all of a couple months.

    Bought a house months after meeting my future wife and it was she either moves home and we go long distance or she sticks around and figures out a rooming situation with her then roommates. That was a decade ago, and two kids, and I live on a block with seven or eight other young families in a walkable neighborhood, my kids will walk to school when they're older, ride their bikes around, we hang out and socialize regularly with neighbors. And it's all because I fucked around in high school.

  • My daughter. Although she has a lot of issues and it has been a very hard road, she has made me a better person and a less angry person. She is definitely by far the best thing that ever happened to me. My biggest fear is outliving her.

    • My biggest fear is outliving her.

      My dad used to say this all the time (he has long since passed). My sister nearly died about twenty years ago and one of the weird memories I have from the period is feeling so sorry for him.

      Anyway I totally get it but do try not to obsess on it for what it's worth.

      • I don't obsess on it. Just every so often it comes into my thoughts and makes me very unhappy to think about.

  • Love finding me. I'm not particularly feely and didn't have examples of loving couples growing up. Did not see that coming, wasn't on the horizon at all. Got lucky.

  • Moving out of the province... Yeah, I fcking hate living in the big city but the people I've met and the friends I've made more than make up for it.

  • I love this question, super interesting to think about. I feel very lucky that it's hard for me to pick one, between meeting my fiancée (she makes my life better in every way), getting on adhd meds (a lot more things about life make sense now), or getting my job (since it's made me grow into a completely different, more capable person). Sometimes it's easy to get caught up in the negative thoughts, so thank you.

    If you don't mind sharing, what about moving out has helped you? I'm sure there's as many different ways as there are people who would answer similarly, increased independence, escaping the power imbalance, having to grow as an adult, and so on