I finished the last 3/4 of Words of Radiance and Edgedancer this week and am ~300 into Oathbringer. I know I'm late to the party, but I should be done with my Cosmere read through this year. I have Mistborn, Warbringer, Elantris and their associated Arcanum Unbounded novellas down, just the rest of Stormlight Archive, the White Sand Omnibus, and a few of the other AU novellas to go, plus the secret projects. When I say it like that, it feels like more than a little, but I have some free time on my hands the next few months.
How are you finding Oathbringer so far? It got a lot of flack for being slow but I loved it!
I've also very much enjoyed the secrect projects (cosmere ones). Just finished SP3 which for me was on par with Tress while being a wildly different story and experience.
I really like it so far. I'm a bunch of chapters into part 2, and I feel like we're getting a lot of payoffs for stuff set up forever ago in some cases. I felt like book 1 dragged more for me - you could tell what was coming for Kaladin hundreds of pages before we got payoff there - and even book 2 had some slowness for me right when part 2 started.
Maybe it slows down later, but at the moment I'm getting detailed answers to questions that have been there since the start of book 1, which is great. I also have stayed off Coppermind for the most part for anything related to Stormlight, though. Could be what I'm finding satisfying answers and exploration of theories now was heavily discussed in the community at the time. It's one thing to get confirmation of an individual theory about the book, but it's another to read a few hundred pages about something the community has picked apart and already settled on the right answer to. Not saying this is what happened, just guessing based on what I know about the community and the depth of detail discussed in places like Coppermind.
I would suggest you to read ICE books before TGiNW.
I have read only Dancers lament and Deadhouse landing. So far I love it.
His writing is nowhere near as complexsive as Eriksons but that was fine with me.
In Path to Ascendancy series you get to know Cotillion and Shadowthrone from their young days to how they got to where they are in original series. On top of that you finally get to know big mysteries from original like Laseen, Urko, Crust, Dujek, Dassem and many more.
Deadhouse landing felt like a fan service done right.
So i highly recommend it !
Just picked up The Book That Wouldn't Burn by Mark Lawrence yesterday, and I'm about 100 pages in. I really am loving the world building a lot, but I find myself having to slow down a bit to catch all the details.
I've just finished Brandon Sanderson secrect project 3. I wasn't sure it could live up to Tress, as that pleasantly surprised me, but SP3 was a fantastic self-contained story. The world is exciting and the story really reeled me in.
Exact same here; I loved Tress and liked Wizard’s Guide well enough but man project three hooked me from the color pallet of the Part One page. Just a cool self contained story that still had some great Cosmere hooks.
Currently reading The Black Prism by Brent Weeks. Not far enough in yet to really make a judgement call. Magic system is interesting for sure. The vibe is a lot of political jockeying, largely structured around the nature of the world's magic.
Audiobook, currently listening to Warping Minds and other Misdemeanors by Annette Marie and Rob Jacobsen. At first it didn't appeal to me as much as The Guild Codex: Spellbound (in the same world), but it's been growing on me.
I have just started on The Priory of the Orange Tree. I heard a lot of good things about, so I’m looking forward to get to immerse in it over the summer.
I found I couldn't really get into the characters sure to the amount of pov switching.
It also felt like the buildup didn't quite pay off and the bbeg was just a few words on there page.
Jewel of the Endless Erg by John Bierce, book 2 in the Mage Errant series!
Quite a nice read, the series is fairly easy to read as a progression fantasy-series. Definitely my flavor this summer.
Excited for Brandon Sanderson's Secret Proj 3 tomorrow
I’m halfway through Naomi Novik’s (edit - fecking autocorrect) third instalment of her Scholomance trilogy, The Golden Enclaves. So far I’m enjoying it!
This is my first book of his too. I've loved the worldbuilding and the characters but I've found the pacing of the story a real slow grind in the middle. Hoping it picks up now that I'm into the last few hundred pages.