mo_ztt ✅
Get outta here with your 'f for "if"
57 1 ReplyBossDj Not a contraction, but still a recognized linguistic device called a clitic! That's safe to Google, I promise. In this case it's a proclitic
10 1 ReplyPoolloverNathan Saving readers a risky Google: Clitic - Wikipedia
9 0 Reply
OR3X Yeah, it would be y'all'd've if I'd've at most.
36 0 ReplySpaceNoodle Close. Move the apostrophe from before the I to after.
27 1 Replyyetiftw nope. the apostrophe replaces the "wou" part of "would"
1 5 ReplySpaceNoodle Nope, nope, nope. "Would" is not contracted as "'ld," and then there would be no "I." That's a capital I, not a lowercase l.
6 0 Replythreelonmusketeers you all would have if would have?
3 0 Reply
Bleeping Lobster 22 0 Replyflamingos-cant
It's missing an apostrophe after the I.
13 0 Replyvox
Being from the south..I'm just trying to look back and remember if I've ever used's plausible
10 0 Replyivanafterall
Is this how Gaelic was born?
8 0 Replyamio Where/since when is 'f a thing?
9 1 ReplySpaceNoodle Fuck'f I know
5 0 Replyzinaer Always, 'round these parts
2 0 Reply
English is becoming polysynthetic and I am here for it
5 0 ReplyEmerald Image Transcription: Tumblr
#you all would have if I would have????
The South is out of control.
4 0 Replydon
lol boo didn’t even try asking if it’d float, they just mainlined pure hopium and casually threw it out there “Why yes, ‘f’’ is part of a balanced, healthy contraction used by billions everyday!”
6 2 ReplyPoolloverNathan Not a contraction, but still a recognized linguistic device called a clitic! That’s safe to Google, I promise. In this case it’s a proclitic
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3 1 Replydon
Sure, I agree with that, and tbf a respondent in OP’s pic did say it’s almost a complete sentence of contractions, but I felt honor-bound to satirically gatekeeper something that’s fun to screw around with. Language is gonna language, believe me, I’m aware.
1 0 Reply
4 0 Replyjesuiscequejesuis You really oughtn't've.
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