I signed up and tied it. It’s utter chaos, forced algorithmic feed, you can’t even only view posts from people you follow, you’re force fed random crap from American celebs.
I have no desire to try Threads for myself (apparently you need an Instagram account to even start, which kills any modicum of interest I might have stone dead right there), but I have been noting down my favorite descriptions of the Threads experience from various bloggers and social media posts:
like a 90s-themed office party organized by a human resources department.
like when a local restaurant you enjoy opens a location in an airport.
like if an entire social network was those posts that tell you what successful entrepreneurs do before 6AM.
like watching a Powerpoint from the Brand Research team where they tell you that Pop Tarts is crushing it on social.
Personally, it’s feels like a shittier version of insta. At least insta you can curate what you see. Threads you can’t. Plus the non tech savvy signed up for it then started asking what it was and what the fediverse is pretty much immediately. If your customers don’t even understand what your product is it’s probably not going to last too long. lol.
That looks terrible, but I will note (though they are confined to communities) I have a similar growing blocklist on Lemmy. It seems every day I find a new meme or "let's all complain about Reddit" community to block.
I'm here for OC and interesting discussion, but I keep stumbling over low effort posts throughout my feed.
There is a lot of low effort posts right now, yeah. I think people are not sure if users will stay and therefore kind of chitchat a lot right now instead of using it for real knowledge sharing.
honestly a lot better then reddit, I didn't care about the api fiasco but after the blackout it felt like everything drooped in quality so quickly and that's why I came here
I don't think it will fail that hard, because in general people love to be on the same platform as celebrities and have a way to interact with famous people. I still worry how it will affect the Fediverse we have now.
Weird stance for you to take, finding enjoyment in other’s poor experience with something. Who gives a shit if Threads is good or bad if you’ve already made your mind to never use it?
People are allowed to like what they like, and this entitlement from users here is getting toxic - posting about how they’re so mad that Meta leaned into something you claim to not care about. Like you’re better for liking something non-mainstream. Shit is one-dimensional.
Considering how facebook has been shown to be toxic to democracy, and has been used for genocide. I don't think it's out of place to hope that company fails in everything they do.