Dragunov: disrespected. PKM: also disrespected. Skorpion: most disrespected on this unhappy day.
For real, infantry training is way more valuable than any particular weapon gimmick as long as it is "good enough". The Soviets figured out qd optics crazy early, but it's not like every grunt was issued an AKMN and taught to use a magnified optic.
Nato has moved away from those iconic rifles and is going AR everything. Same with uniforms all becoming OCP/Multicam. It's probably for the best but I'll miss the uniqueness of the different systems, patterns etc
From a military logistics and training standpoint, one weapon platform with mission specific adaptations is far, far, FAR cheaper and efficient than specialized platforms with standardized accessories and ammo.
That's what the AK accomplished, (pulling this part out of my ass:) while not having the modern development that AR has provided.
The Kalashnikov was really good and has totally proven itself as the people's battle weapon.
The story of the rise of the Armalite as a reponse is a weird story, but as I've researched it (opinions often differ) it wasn't the AK that killed the M14, but the notion of squeezing three fire teams for M2 machine gun emplacements into a squad, rather than one.
The M14s were lost to M16s as their weight got displaced, but according to the Marines I talked to, they favored the M14 over the M16, and liked the hole they could punch through the enemy (and anything behind them for miles).
That said, later iterations of the Armalite got better.
It really did not help that the original M16s were terrible, plus cleaning kits were sparcely handed out with the myth that the rifle was self cleaning, AND they changed the ammo the gun was originally tested on to a cartridge that had worse performance.
M60 far inferior to FN MAG
AK trounced M14s when they were both adopted around the same time
No mention of PK or SVD
Also an OG M16A1/A2 is not modular until you throw the SOPMOD blocs or A3/A4 revision upgrades - a better like comparison would be AK12 or a tricked out 100 series. Just dumb luck that AR could ditch the plastic handuards and front cap to use the barrel nut for ff rails, Stoner/Sullivan weren’t wizzards