It always bothered me when folks injected out of context Japanese and provided no explanation, but now I know some Japanese, so for the other folks here like me.
いいね is pronounced i-i-ne and translates to something like "nice".
The comment below わかりました is pronounced wa-ka-ri-ma-shi-ta and translates to something like "I understand".
And finally a note to the Japanese injectors. Almost no one likes when you inject Japanese out of context. If you are a student studying Japanese and inject it in context people would enjoy it more.
I accept my down votes if my observations are incorrect, have a nice day.
in the 1600s the adverb "bad" went from meaning "incorrect" to being an intensifier - "they wanted that badly" (meaning he wanted it very much, as opposed to his want being poorly formed).
This form of hyperbole has extended over the years and orphaned to a point where now the [they wanted that] part is inferred and we can refer to something as "badass" or "baddie", understanding subconsciously that is implied that it's an extender of wanting/liking something "a lot" ("badly").
Because some guys try to use the "oops I didn't bring any condom" to try and rawdog it.
If it's a genuine mistake, then the gal can still have safe fun. Otherwise, if the guy is combative about the condom, it's a big red flag. Win/Win for her.