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PSA: You will be automatically logged out when your instance upgrades to Lemmy v0.19

Lemmy v0.19 is out, and is being rolled out to various instances. I expect it to be rolled out of soon as well.

Voyager should continue working quite smoothly! However..

๐Ÿšจ You will need to login again

Lemmy invalidates all login sessions during the upgrade. This means you will be logged out on Voyager an will need to login again.

It's a bit of inconvenience, but there's a payoff:

โœจ What's new?

Moderator view

Mods can now view all modded posts on one unified feed! Head over to the communities list to check it out (if you are a moderator on 1+ community)

Additional sorts

Controversial, scaled, more time-based top sorts. Enjoy!

Instance blocking

Head over to "Filters & Blocks" in Settings and block to your desire!

Other small misc fixes

Lemmy v0.19 has been a long time in the making, so there's definitely a few smaller things I'm forgetting. Enjoy!