It’s actually really good. I just wish the maps were as up to date as the big three (Waze, Apple, google). It would be awesome if each city, state was required to publish map data to openstreetmaps. I know my city has everything in arcgis and you can browse it. But they should definitely publish to openstreetmaps.
I have found OSM data (and therefore Organic Maps) more up to date than the others, at least for roads. In the past six months for me that was three different cities, and two different countries. Small sample size, but including my city there were several places that google had not updated for years.
As for your city to OSM integration: OSM does not take data dumps. But your city could encourage people to update the data in OSM or better still leverage OSM as a data truth and curate it, and load ArcGIS datastores from it.
You can help using Street Complete which is a very easy to use android app that fills in the details of whereever you are at: Is this road paved? What are the business hours here? Is there street lighting? etc.
Google maps actually works ok with Play services Internet access blocked. And it has local downloadable maps now. I prefer Organic Maps on principle and use it when I can, but sometimes resort to Google maps. I've never liked Osmand since I've found it confusing.
okay I just tried it. lol. How does it serve you well? It is absolutely useless. seriously.. please explain.
anyone doubting me, go install it and try it out for yourself. You will see how useless it is. You put in a valid address and it says "no results found." It has literally nothing. except it encourages you to download an entire map of an entire huge city for 220 MB. Why? Why is the only option it offers to download a huge data-heavy city and it won't even take me to a simple address?
Of course you have to download the map ypu wanna use, duh. Plus I live in a third world country and it has everything so far including adresses and it works even for coordinates
It was interesting trying to give Organic Maps a college try. In the US it seems about useless, even after downloading all 50 states. One can get navigation to work to the city or street (but not the address) at the destination, but it seems the easiest way to plot a destination is to just physically zoom in and find it on the map and tell it to navigate to that location. It seems incapable of looking up addresses, which makes one wonder if they're somehow missing from the base mapping data, or if the application just doesn't have the "smarts" to query addresses in certain countries correctly.
I've used all sorts of GPS mapping software over the years both on dedicated hardware, computers, etc. including the more arcane that have you start at street number or zip code and then drill down layer by layer so the backing software doesn't have to work so hard. This is the first I've seen that doesn't seem to have the ability to find simple street addresses.
It could be that in countries that it's popular, the base mapping data works better. (albeit, they seem to not be as good as they once were) and Here WeGo (which is an ex-Nokia commercial property that for some reason is free to use offline? So you're probably the product.) both seem to do a better job at both addresses and mapping routes that make sense. I agree with that Osmand seems very the opposite of user friendly.
I have been using MapFactor Navigator for decades already. It uses OSM for maps (or Tomtom maps, if you want to go commercial), and you can configure every aspect of the navigation; you can completely geek out on it, if you want.
YMMV honestly. It depends on where you live. If your city is mapped out well, OsmAnd+ will work for you. For me, unfortunately Google Maps still works far far better than anything else I've tried :(
Best one I've found with real time traffic is HereWeGo and it's just... OK. If anyone knows of a better one for a privacy respecting traffic maps please let me know.