Bethesda Announces New-Gen Update For Fallout 4 Coming Next Year
Bethesda Announces New-Gen Update For Fallout 4 Coming Next Year
This news comes alongside plenty of other 25th anniversary updates for the series.

OmenAtom Bethesda and making the same games over and over again, surely thats good for future business
50 1 ReplyDrCake I mean they had a crack at making a new game and it’s not really worked that well
31 1 Replyforensic_potato
They really didn't even try that to be honest. Bethesda has remained far behind and they don't seem interested in changing direction sadly
14 2 ReplyOmenAtom They made skyrim in space and diluted the content even more
11 1 Reply
MeanEYE As long as fans keep paying full price for unfinished and buggy mess they will keep doing that.
10 1 Reply
Can't wait Fallout 4 Special Edition and Anniversary Edition.
20 0 ReplyBulbasaurBabu Not before Skyrim: Fuck You Buy This Again Edition
16 0 ReplyBigBananaDealer
and we will buy it again. he figured out how to create addicts for a single game
2 0 Reply
How many mods they're going to break with this update?
19 1 Replyknightly the Sneptaur
Bethesda lost me for good when they thought Fallout 76 was ready for release and refused to give me a refund when it very much was not.
I charged back the purchase price and haven't given them a penny since.
11 0 ReplyFeetinMashedPotatoes And you can get it next year on sale for $70 because fuck you you stupid consumer removed that's how it works here in Bethesda! Now go praise Starfield you fucking idiot!
12 1 ReplySuperSaiyanSwag Tbf it will likely be in game pass
1 0 Reply
echo64 I guess some people might be interested in that.. fallout 4 is fine. I don't need to replay it.
Maybe bring that rumored fallout 3 remake out
7 0 ReplyBruceTwarzen Fallout 4 looked like a last gen game when it released, does that mean it's gonna be a last gen update now?
7 1 Replygum_dragon Paid mods
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