Not my cat, but a family friend's. The cat would go nuts for olives. One of them liked having olives on their pizza, and the cat would eat their way through unattended pizza boxes to get to the olives on the top of the pizza.
I once housesat and the cat would bite any soft fruit as well as through the plastic bags of snacks if left unattended.
I'm attaching the photo of what a peach bitten by that cat looked like. I hope the attachment works, first time trying this
At least in my case the cat didn't take the fruit elsewhere, it would just bite it on the spot. Cleaning up after a sticky mess of fruit all over the apartment doesn't sound fun...
I let my cats sniff almost everything, and they usually walk away. For example, today I let them sniff some both raw chicken that I was preparing for my own dinner, and both gave it a few good sniffs before walking away. Most recently, I discovered that my youngest enjoys peanut butter! I believe it was the same cat who has also tried to eat my dried mango on multiple occasions. It was either my oldest or a friend's cat who repeatedly took me up on the offer of banana chips.
I know a cat that loses it's mind for Nutzo, the one with a bunch of different nuts. I've seen it even get the classic dog and peanut butter mouth situation going on too lol
Before my wonderful cat passed away, he was never interested in "people food". But there were 2 exceptions that he went absolutely bonkers for: ranch dressing and Taco Bell.
She leads me to her pile of paper scraps and starts munching and absolutely loves it if I take part eat paper with her. I only let her eat a tiny bit tho, it's not healthy.
I used to have a cat that would go mental for Pringles. She would not leave you alone if she saw a can in the house until you would put it down on the floor for her to see for herself that it was empty.
Omg same. I'd try to be extremely quiet if I was opening a can but this bugger would come sprinting from across the house and try to eat them as I was putting them in my mouth. I do miss that lil shit though.
Avocados, bread and cheese. Also they will do anything for chicken nuggets.
Unfortunately, I also own a tiny human as well, whose preferred diet also consists of the same things and has a short attention span. The cats adore tiny human as she is a source of unguarded treats.
The struggle is real.
God help me as tiny human just found out about avocado toast with shredded Parmesan..... The cats are thrilled.
I have two cats that are both crazy for their own reasons.
One is just in love with marshmallows. He will not eat them that much, but loves to bite and kick them. I think, he just loves the texture of that. He also love to lick every sweet there is. We have to keep him away from glasses with fountain drinks, because he will lick edges.
Second one just loves plastic. When he is hungry, he will not look for food, but for plastic to chew instead. Any plastic bag, ribbon, anything, he will munch that until he will choke... Twice I had to pull a present ribbon from his throat... It's especially hard on Christmas 😃
Glad I'm not the only one who has witnessed this insane behavior. I made the mistake of leaving a grocery bag with bread on the floor once and only once. My youngest cat went ape shit and I came back into the room to a bread massacre right through the plastic bag.
Max, may he rest in peace, loved to share anything. He loved cooked collard greens, beans (especially garbanzo beans), potatoes, but would try anything and also always wanted us to try whatever he caught. (Yuck)
Forest, he loves all the usual cat stuff, fish and chicken and butter and cheese, nori, and also loves cooked greens.
The girl cats are/were less adventurous eaters, though good hunters and more playful. Both have only eaten cat food, tuna, nori. Disdain for anything unusual.
My one cat likes to eat paint chips. It's a battle to prevent him from doing so. He also likes fries and will steal them from my plate. One of my other cats likes taco meat and my third cat is crazy about cheese.
Does "his own vomit" count? I found him behind a table munching and crunching on something. Turns out he had thrown up there at some point, it went unnoticed, dried, and he was eating little dried bits of chewed up "party mix" snacks.
Mine will sniff anything I eat, and anything I might drop on the floor, but has never actually proceeded to eat any of it.
If she looks very interested and it's safe for her to try (I eat a lot of garlic lol, which isn't), I'll give her a crumb, but she'll mostly sniff a bit more then leave it. The only thing of mine so far I've found she actually does eat and asks for more is doughnuts, which I only give her a tiny crumb of every now and then..
My cat will have the junky orange cheeses. We have to call out that the crinkly sound is the sound of human(intended) cheese and not cat(intended) cheese or she's in the kitchen and highly interactive.
Empty sunflower seed shells. Straight up cracking them, despite me blocking it. Also zucchini boiled with tomato sauce. One fervent attempt at a watermelon slice, munching down half of it.
My oldest cat eats anything you leave on the table, except citrus and after that he cleans the stove by licking it. He has a nutrient absorbtion problem, so he just barely keeps above minimum weight.
My former oldest, now deceased cat really liked black olives and would also eat green ones.
One of mine likes chewing on wires to electrical devices. He used to do it only occasionally, but at some point he got the hint that I'm shooing him away when he does it and now he'll start whenever I'm at the computer and he's upset I'm not giving him adequate attention. He stops by and stands up against the chair to let me know he wants attention, and if I explain to him that I'm working on something and you'll need to wait, he'll immediately move to chewing at the wires.
This along with the fact that he's more interested in me the second I start talking on my phone means I have to leave the room absolutely any time I want to answer or make a phone call.
I love him and he might have the happiest disposition of any cat I've met, but he's really an asshole sometimes. He pounces me when I'm sleeping sometimes too which can really hurt if his nails get me.
My cat didn't have a particular food, he just wanted anything I was eating. One time he caught me off guard as I put a piece of chocolate (dairymilk oreo bar) to my mouth and took a big old chomp out of it.
Cookies! He's not interested in salmon, ham, cheese, tuna, or any of the usual things. But you have a chocolate chip cookie and he's in your face until you give him some. He's not allowed the chocolate, and I don't think that's what he wants, he just loves the sweet beige American diet.