I'm always tempted to say: Fuck them, it's your life, not theirs. Come out. If they love you, they'll accept you...
But... that's a huge if to take into consideration. Any descent parent should love their child, but we're in no shortages of awful stories. That'd be one hell of a way to find that out. Ignorance can be bliss and all that.
It comes down to this: Do you feel as if your parents love you? Care about you, who you are, what you do and what you want? Are they interested in you in general? If yes, then... would it make you feel better for them to know? If it's again yes, well, try?
These are tough things to decide and it's fully up to you. If they're religious, they may react badly but come around soon after, as you're their child. But that depends on how deep they are in their religion.
I'm trying to help because there is little engagement in this thread, but I'm always really uneasy about things like this. I don't know anything about you. There are so many factors from the gender you were assigned at birth, to which country you live in, and assuming you're American, which state, and so on.
I guess, one last question to ask is: How "pissy" would they get if they were to find out, you know? Are we talking big argument pissy? Or disowned pissy? Would they try conversion therapy? Also, if they're really religious, take into account how their religious peers will react and how they could influence them.
There's a lot of angles to this, and those are ultimately yours to figure out. Still though, I hope I didn't scare you. I want you to be safe, first and foremost. I'm trying to help to the best of my ability, hopefully, that was worth something.
Take care of yourself. And, keep us posted!