what if a human being replaced all drinkable liquids with water??
i feel happy and proud of myself because a few weeks ago i replaced all drinks and soda with just water woa!! i feel ok and very calm most of the time, but is doing this ok?? am i missing out on important vitamins if i don't drink juice or soda etc?? i know water doesn't have anything, no vitamins, nothing, just water, but it makes your body feel well. is this ok?? what if a human from day one of birth only drank water?
Humans have spent most of their evolutionary history not drinking juice or soda or anything. It is absolutely fine - as long as you are eating healthily.
These days it is once in a blue moon that I drink anything except water myself. I don't believe that the very occasional elderflower presse is the only thing standing between me and a hideous malnourished death.
wait but what happens when you only consume water then?? eating well but only water, what happens? also throw eating two meals a day in that mix and youve got yourself the best mix for health and happiness
What do you mean by "what happens"? You get nutrients from the food and you hydrate with the water. You carry on as normal otherwise. Nothing much else "happens".
Just look at all the people that lived before juice and soda where invented. You notice something about them? Yeah ... they are all dead, every single one, no exceptions.
So you should go back to drinking sodas immediately, before it's too late.
Well... from day ome of birth you drink mothers milk. But when you graduate to food, water should be the only liquid you need afik.
Vitamins from juice you get from eating fruit and veggies (you know... the stuff juices are usually made off, but without the additives). No idea what healthy things you could get from a soda?
You need water to regain water in your bodyand maybe get some minerals. It is actually recommended to drink mainly water as that hydrates you most - the sugar in juice and soda is actually counter-productive as far as hydration goes. If you need your water to
have a flair, tea is second best thing you can drink after pure water I think.
All the "drinkable liquids" is water + additionl stuff humanity thought of to make it interesting. And interesting doesn't always equal good.
I'm no expert though, there might be nuances I'm missing.
If your question is just about dropping processed, sweetened drinks I see no issues with that. On the contrary, your teeth will thank you . Make sure you eat a well balanced diet with fresh fruit and veg, whole grains, healthy fats.... And listed to your body, it will tell you what it needs. Enjoy the journey.
You can overdo water but you have to drink a lot. It really comes down to diluting out electrolytes. Its not uncommon in athletes who only quench thirst with water over hard workouts like marathons. If you eat food and don't drink to much to quickly it should not happen to you.
You should be getting vitamins and minerals from a balanced diet. There is no reason to drink anything other water unless you're a professional athlete who sweats so much and drinks so much water that they actually need to replace electrolytes.