On the command line, space is what separates each argument. If a path contains a space, you either have to quote the entire path, or use an escape character (e.g. the \ character in most shells, the backtick in Powershell because Microsoft is weird, or the character's hexadecimal value), otherwise the path will be passed to the command as separate arguments. For example, cat hello world.txt would try to print the files hello and world.txt.
It is a good practice to minimize the character set used by filenames, and best to only use English alphanumeric characters and certain symbols like -, _, and .. Non-printable characters (like the lower half of ASCII), weird diacritics (like ő or ű), ligatures, or any characters that could be misinterpreted by a program should be avoided.
This is why byte-safe encodings, like base64 or percent-encoding, are important. Transmitting data directly as text runs the risk of mangling the characters because some program misinterpreted them.
I'm not exactly fond of the space either, but man, the T is noisy. They could've gone with an underscore or something, so it actually looks like two different sections.
This is the killer for me. Most people promote ISO 8601 as a "definitive" date structure, when it actually supports a lot of different formats. What they actually want is usually RFC 3339.
2023-12.12T21:18-05 for time zone as central. The UTC time zone code at the end just tells you where the time is taken from. Usually Z is used since, well, it’s “universal,” but having a +13 or -06 or whatever else brings context, and allows computers to synchronize the string of text into a comparable time for event logs and such.
This is about the old argument around how date strings are formatted.
MMDDYYYY vs YYYYMMDD, spaces or hyphens may differ. It's an old and passionate argument (mostly due to the American approach of starting with the month being insane)
ISO standards need to be purchased to be viewed, RFCs are freely available requests for comment. The RFC 3339 format is effectively the same is the ISO format, except RFC 3339 allows for a space between the date and time components whereas the ISO format uses a "T" character to separate date and time components.
If you want to get real weird, RFCs are not standards but rather a request for other participants to comment on the proposal. RFCs tend to be pointed towards as de facto standards though, even before they become a BCP or STD.
What he means is, if you want to download the document from ISO that describes the standard, you have to pay a fee. Here's their store page: click.
It's about 190 USD for a 38 page document describing the rules of the standard. There's another document with extensions for a similar price. Quite pricey for a PDF file obviously, and the RFC is free to download.
On the other hand, no one in the history of time has gone "hmm, I don't know how ISO-8601 works, let me go buy this document from the ISO store to figure it out." Most people just call datetime.isoformat() or whatever their library function is called.
Am programmer. Idk wtf that is. But if it converts easily to a datetime object, or if I can easily parse the parts out of it, I'm all for it. Idgaf if it's easy to read as-is. Just make it efficient and make it sort predictably, and I'm all for it lol.