The texts are terrifying, what's mildly infuriating is that I have no idea what order to read them in because after the first image it's just a rant so it could really go in any direction.
What makes me chuckle the most is the fact that OP’s psycho ex partner can be either female or male and yet here we are (or at least I am) thinking that the psychotic ex partner is of the opposite sex
This is called "start a chain of paperwork with the police". They of course won't do much to help but it's good for future restraining order proceedings.
Because you're gonna have future restraining order proceedings.
Maybe not even a bad idea. The police probably doesn't do shit, but the mom (or dad) might smack some sense into him. At the very least they can keep an eye on him with other girls.
This is what inspired someone to create the “block number” feature on phones. Wow. Sorry you’re dealing with this person. Hopefully they will quit this soon
If possible on your phone, I recommend filtering instead of blocking. If you can set it to auto-archive texts and not send notifications, then they won't bother you but you'll still have the texts on your device if you ever need them — e.g. as evidence for police.
I have a very close friend who suddenly developed a mental disorder, and before he started his therapy and medication, he did this. And then they called the cops (rightfully so), and they came and arrested him. IIRC, they got a restraining order as well. I can't say I blame them at all. This is absolutely terrifying.
Luckily he got help and is doing awesome now. He's back to his old self and wouldn't hurt a fly.
That's basically it. Romantic obsession can look a lot like mental illness, and definitely feels like it. Being charitable to the guy, he might look back on this and wonder what the hell was going on in his head.
I know I've been through a breakup that nearly killed me, and sheer white-knuckling restraint is the only thing that stopped me acting like this. It's like a bereavement, but you also know the person is twenty minutes down the road.
Or he might have been like this through the whole relationship, who knows.
Honestly, considering the last two texts, a restraining order is only a piece of paper, she should get a gun too unless she can carry a police officer around with her.
Dude was crazy the whole time but "I'm going to come back and do something" is actually pretty serious imo, and the cops won't act on it as a threat in my area because it is too unspecific, so I'm on my own.
Ok, that is a potential dangerous person you don't want in your life. Be polite, calm and non provocative and get away from her. In the end she will switch her fixation from you.
I have an answering machine's microcassette stashed in case a psycho comes back to haunt me. This shit DEFINITELY existed 30 years ago, just in a different form.
Maybe consider digitizing that cassette, or at least listening to it to make sure it's still usable (assuming you can stomach it). Cassette mediums degrade over time and it's quite possible that microcassete could be reaching the end of its usable life:
Wow, im sorry you have to deal with this. I finally got the point across to my ex a few months ago and it was like 2 years at that point, and i also moved to the other side of Canada for work in this span. It wasnt this bad, but consistent.
This is more than mildly infuriating. It’s sad this is actually common in our society. People like that need a lot of therapy, not romantic relationships.