infinitepcg I'm not an electron hater, but a terminal in electron sounds like a parody.
58 0 Replyvrighter "built on an open web framework...."
hard pass then. Why the hell would I want to open a browser instance for a terminal???
42 0 Replystarman OP
Unfortunately this terminal emulator uses electron, but otherwise looks nice
34 1 ReplyAndy
No Zsh support for now, and maybe no user fonts?
And a warning: it's got telemetry on by default.
55 0 Reply𝒍𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒏 it's got telemetry on by default.
Very, very hard pass. Might even blow out my suspension doing so
11 0 Replyaxo10tl Backed by VC, so you know they're just waiting for an exit
8 0 Reply
Electron is a DEALBREAKER!
25 0 Reply
MonkCanatella Cross platform, a long as it's mac or linux lol.
26 2 ReplyVeraxus
Are you implying that there is anything else that matters?
10 1 ReplySuperb
12 1 Reply
MNByChoice What the fuck does it actually do, and what is one use case?
14 0 Replyinterolivary
Well it collects data from you, and one use case for your data is allowing a nice 💰 exit for the venture capital -backed company building it.
Other than that, not a whole lot that's worth yet another "powered by open web standards" Electron piece of shit
10 0 Reply
superbirra lol, no thank you
12 0 ReplyNostraDavid
Quickly edit code on a local or remote machine with the same editor that powers VSCode.
so it's vscode, but not. you can just install an extention to get remote abilities.
12 0 Replyzerofk I … Wha…. WHY??
6 0 ReplyMarkPotatoes I’ll have a look to this, a VScode editor like for remote can be handful sometime
1 0 ReplyNostraDavid
so... vscode? you can install an extention for remote connections (made by MS)
5 0 Replyeinsteinx2
Vscode even has a terminal built in haha
3 0 Reply
Wezterm or death. I would have chosen Alacritty, if pasting in Vim wasn't broken.
2 1 Replyfilister Personally I am waiting for the warp terminal to try it out:
1 2 Reply