What. I still rember the article about the Monkeys Musk butchered with his Microchips! This was terrifying and disgusting and now he is allowed to do this to humans?! WTF.
Regulatory capture at work. If you're the second-richest man in the world and a darling of the far right to boot, they'll let you do pretty much whatever you want.
You don't have to worry about that, It's an Elon Musk owned product, he already solved that with TwiXer. He just has to make sure that Nazi's can send their propoganda to your brain, and then advertisers will stay very far away from the neuro link.
Neuralink aims to help people with paralysis communicate by allowing them to remotely control devices using brain activity. In the future, Neuralink may help enhance user memory and cognitive abilities, restore a user's motor, sensory and visual functions as well as treat neurological disorders.
It’s for paralyzed people and neuralink isn’t the only company researching the technology. I swear, where the fuck do you people get your information from, and how do you just never bother to google it to see for yourselves?
No, Neuralink is for stupid Elmo fanboys to waste money and health on and allow Elmo to continue executing his fascist anti-human agenda. And yes, other companies actually try to make devices that will help people. It's not about the technology, it's about that motherfucking shit-golem and the way he treats people (hint: like expandable cheap renewable resources).
But if you like that fuck so much, I hope you'll be one of the people leaving Earth and following him to Mars.
I actually can't wait that day to happen. We used to joke how great it would be to put all fascist into a space rocker and launch them into space, and it will soon not only become reality, but the stupid fucks will go willingly. Perfect!
"Your subscription to arm control has expired. Please wiggle your eyebrows in a lewdly suggestive manner to pay subscription fee plus $69 lateness surcharge and a $420 because we can addendum"
Yes, but only the lucky ones win death in a raffle (1 in a 1000). The rest are shipped to mines. And their memories are not wiped clean, because the suffering is the integral part of such economy.
you can sign a contract to allow me to bludgeon you to death, but it's still murder regardless of your consent
I agree this is the current law. But I certainly don't agree with this law. Do you?
I feel people should absolutely be allowed to consent to death, or potential death. And I mean, we already can in various other contexts like skiing in avalanche terrain, ordering too many big macs, or medically assisted suicide to prevent suffering from incurable conditions (at least in a few civilized places).
I will one up you. I'd like to see something that shows body temperature, 02 saturation, and heart rate. Needs to be about the size of a grain of race and implanted in us right after birth. DING, your child has a fever. DING, your child is suffocating in their sleep.
I want you to think long and hard between the differences between not getting protection against a deadly, highly transmissible disease and not getting an iPhone implanted in your skull.
I'll give you a hint. Only one of them actually endangers lives.
Ahh, you can trust the guy who single-hand-idly drove twitter into the ground and pushed a shit sheet metal meme car. He doesn’t know anything about anything, but you can trust him with brain surgery.
Really though, anyone that thinks this is a good idea and signs up for testing probably deserves the lobotomy they’re going to end up with.
There is at least one fanboi in this thread that totally deserves it. Getting the implant should be required in order to allowed buy a Cybertruck. Dead drivers of apocalyptical death-cars are way less dangerous than the alive ones.
Man, I don't know what right wingers y'all are talking about.
I come from a super right wing family and all them MFs think this is a bad idea too (though to be fair, they're def on the conspiracy theory "everything is to get a microchip in my blood/brain" side of things).
I suppose my instinctive reaction isn't to assume someone's politics would determine how they react to Musk.
My first real assumption would be that tech/engineering types are the only ones who'd really think about him at all (in both directions). Like, I do have an uncle who occasionally brings him up whenever theirs news on SpaceX's rockets (though usually this gets brought up in the context of "new technology sucks" and "what was wrong with the rockets that carried up Voyager" and such).
So yeah, I really don't think I'd describe anyone as "gargling Elon's cock" except those who still have good will for Tesla.
I come from a super-right wing family too (but from Europe) and they really are in love Elon because it's like "a dog being out of control" in the billionaire group, the one who is brave enough to go against the rules, defying the "cancel culture" and the unidirectional thinking imposed by political correctness.
Honestly I haven't heard any of my right wing coworkers etc... talk about this particular company, but I have heard a lot of elon worship from them. IE I hear a lot of them talk about how he's gone so pro free speach with twitter. (and they tend to ignore me when I point out that he's censoring every bit as much as the old twitter, he's just nicer to the nazis and less nice to the left.
Ugh, yeah, that is a point of frustration I have with the family.
For them, it's not so much "look what Musk is doing" so much as "look at how much better Twitter's gotten", which is particularly ripe cause none of them even use the platform. As I think on it, that probably means the big Fox talking heads are saying things like that.
I never got into Twitter myself (just never really understood / took to the format), which is kind of a shame cause I'd really like to be supporting Mastodon in this years surgance of the Fediverse.
Remember that if you ever somehow become paralyzed. When they tell you they’ve luckily only recently developed a cure, make sure you tell them no thanks when you find out how it was created.
I remember reading an article just a few weeks ago about a company that made a combination prosthetic/implant for blind people to be able to see in the...early 2000s, I think? It was an early technology, low-rez, but somewhat miraculous for some.
And then the company went out of business.
As the implants began to wear out, or the software developed bugs, or the patients' needs changed, things fell apart. They lost their vision and nobody could help them because the hardware and software were proprietary.
Now Elon Musk—with his reputation for quality control and following through with ideas and open source—wants to put things in our brains. Backed by the full faith and credit of Elon Musk.
One day he's going to push down an update that makes everybody with a Neuralink stop and say "hehe butts" in a funny voice, and the tech bros will say "lol great meme Elon" even though a dozen of them got hit by a car because they were forced to stop while they walked across the street, and thirty of them lost their jobs because they said "hehe butts" to their managers, and one of them was a soldier who said "hehe butts" in an active warzone and blew the whole squad's cover.
I can't believe anyone is honestly entertaining this.
That's why you do the FOSS version, it's designed to be easily upgradable and customizable to all your needs, and even on old hardware will still accept updates.
Probably because it’s literally being made to help disabled people have more accessibility to the real world and you’re just here pulling shit out of your ass because of your blind emotional reaction to the word “Musk”.
Which part of the article claimed it fried a monkey brain? I read the whole thing and got “came loose” and “caused internal bleeding” once, but nothing about it frying a brain.
It’s being explored by multiple companies because of its amazing medical potential.
Basically, it will help paralyzed people of varying levels of paralysis learn to be mobile and interact with people again, basically giving people who have lost all hope their lives back.
Part of the reason people have criticized Musk's in particular is because of the high rate of fatalities in the trials on monkeys. I've seen scientists commenting that it should've been pulled after the first death, considering how stringent the requirements for animal testing are, but all those issues and requirements have largely been hand-waved away.
And people are getting knee-jerk reactive to anything Musk for absolutely no reason, right? He's 100% mentally stable and none of the products his companies are selling are dangerous and morally questionable. Got it! /s
It's not about implants being bad, it's about implants made by a company controlled by a constantly drugged sociopath.
Here is a story a nice story about people getting their eye implants switched off, because the company who made them went out of business:
I'm sure you are aware that brain implants can't be replaced every year like your iPhone. You can't just keep yanking the electrodes out and put new ones, because it's a friggin' brain surgery...
I welcome these regressive assholes getting a chip in their brain that has been shown to fry the brains of monkeys if they want it. Maybe we should even be campaigning for it in the South.
I guarantee you that if you ever become a quadriplegic you’d be begging for this technology to help you live again.
All of you people realize this is a medical technology, right? It’s not just to help you post on Twitter faster. This thing helps people communicate and move again.
If it was a dull medical company people wouldn't be itching to downvote you so quickly. Elon is bad for any PR these days. but even without his chip medical science places are doing electrical implants to stimulate "deadzones" in the brain. Seems helpful for certain things like parkinsons and schitzophrenia
Settle down with this "we" shit. I couldn't wait for a cybernetic brain link when I was a kid. After seeing how corporations handled the Internet, I will never get one. IDC if I live to be a 1000 years old and every other person on the planet has one. No thank you.
Even after reading Snow Crash, I wanted an RJ-45 port so I could get internet straight to my brain...right up till I had my first IV stuck in me. Realized I didn't like foreign objects in me at all lol
This is some really cool tech and I'm happy the trials are starting. It's a shame having it attached to Elon is ruining the perception of it, I'm hoping other companies get in the game soon.
Your nuts...
Monkeys have gone crazy from it and you want it in your brain? We can't even effectively secure a computer without it getting hacked. And you want the only thing that makes you you hackable ?
To each their own but no way I get something put in my head. Forget hacking what if it malfunctions.. I've seen enough Tesla cars crashing
Don't get me wrong, I'm not volunteering but eventually it will be safe.
Theres definitely barriers to overcome but to go with your analogy, I drive a car everyday on the highway even though a malfunction or even just an other user being stupid can easily lead to my death. That's just to get to work or see friends. I could imagine myself braving worse to get to use full dive vr.
But you couldn't pay me to get into one of those death traps when cars were first invented though. I'm eager but I will definitely wait a while before jumping in.
It can eventually help disabled people move, see, hear and talk.
For everyday people, this will replace phones and computers completely. We will be able to project a private screen on any surface, even mid air. We will be thinking the words instead of saying them during phonecalls.
Movies and games are going to be so immersive it's probably going to cause some serious societal issues. Larping is going to become big I'm guessing.
That's just the surface stuff that's easy to think of. It gets even nuttier if you think about recording and downloading dreams and memories, some of the really sci Fi stuff. The possibilities are literally endless. Obviously though, there's a way to go, it's still in its infancy.
The Bill Gates microchip is consensual, too. Nobody is talking about forcing people to get microchips. It’s just that people shit a brick when Gates is involved, but not Musk.
i agree with your point, but its worth considering that it may become mandatory or practically mandatory in the future. not to slipperlyslope here, but think about how hard it is becoming to be a member of society without a mobile phone, credit card, google account, etc. sure its possible, but it creates a massive incentive to just sacrifice your principles for convinience, when everyone else doesnt see the big deal