Before “Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny” even opened, the Disney adventure tentpole sparked intrigue with a de-aged Harrison Ford, who, in his fifth film playing the whip-cracking archaeologi…
The only actors are the reanimated corpses of Tom Cruise, Scarlett Johansson, Zoe Saldana, Samuel L Jackson, Tom Hanks, and Harrison Ford, all de-aged back to life with VFX.
The only films are Fast 43, Avengers vs The Spider-Verse XIV, Indiana Jones 22, Star Wars Episode XXI: Revenge of the Return, Toy Story 25, Avatar 5, and The Lion King: The Animation of The Broadway production of the Re-animated Live Action: 3D Extended Edition.
A3 should be released in december 2025 as they filmed it at the same time as the second movie and it's currently in the post-production stage. The fourth one is also partly filmed already, scheduled for a 2029 release iirc.
Call me blasphemous, but I in fact quite liked the fourth Indy movie. It hit all the right notes for me, nostalgia-wise. I'm curious to see what this one is like.
It's bad in different ways. The action, despite being full of CGI, is much more grounded and doesn't have the crazy over the top moments like nuking the fridge or swinging with the monkeys. But the writing is pretty terrible with major characters and story lines just getting forgotten, bad guys that can teleport around to show up whenever they are needed and character arcs skipping the actual arc and problems just magically resolving themselves.
Despite all it's problems I still enjoyed it, since you can kind of see there being a good Indiana Jones movie under all the problems. But it's really a mess of a movie if you think too much about it. Movie studios really need to start spending some of their hundred million budget on getting the scripts fixed before they start filming. Kind of inexcusable to spend $300 million and have the result look like it's held together by duct tape.
I’m definitely not a movie expert or huge Indiana Jones fan but I just saw the movie last night and had a blast. The ending is also pretty epic.
I agree that it definitely could be improved in places and I understand that fans of the movies might want to compare it with the previous ones, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s still a highly entertaining and enjoyable adventure film.