Ya. I was originally a Google Play music subscriber which got turned into
YouTube music, for $9.99usd. Now they're increasing the cost by like $4 after December. So I moved to the spotify family plan and now I share with my love ones for only a little bit more than the new YT price.
YT music was turning to sit though. It would always play music video audio with long ass shitty intros when the studio album music existed in their catalog. Even with the music video option turned to off.
Yeah, I fell into the same situation. I had a YouTube Music family plan that they told me was no longer grandfathered in, so I also switched to Spotify and have been happy with it. In my case, though, I lucked out because I only needed to keep one other person on the plan with me, so I went with the duo plan instead of the family plan and ended up saving money in the end.
If Google wants me back they can offer ad-free YouTube for $2/mo and that'll be back as it was. That's really the only thing I still miss, because god knows the music player itself wasn't great.
My understanding of grandfathered is that you pay the rate you signed up for, and when it increases, new users pay the higher rate but you keep your rate as long as you stay subscribed. If that is not what you think grandfathered means, what does it mean to you? And if my definition matches yours, how is this not the correct use of grandfathered?
And it's Google, so you know they are going to keep raising prices, probably adding some ads also in the near future. And of course selling your behavior to advertisers as well, that's a given.
They may be confusing it with the family plan? Which is $23 for up to 5 people, which imo is a pretty good deal if you know 4 other people to go in on it.
That's the family plan. The individual price is $13.99. Absolutely worth it to me. 10/10, would shill again. I watch almost exclusively on Apple TV, so unless I had a DNS ad blocker, I would see ads. And even those will eventually be detected and blocked, I'm sure. This is how much I've consumed since signing up in August:
I love supporting the creators of the excellent science and math content I subscribe to. Plus I watch a ton of stupid Tim & Eric sketches, SNL sketches, kitten videos and such. I couldn't imagine seeing an ad for every 1:00 video!
Presented with a choice of paying or seeing ads, imma pay. The price is less than one movie ticket a month.
I’m the same way. I use YT on my AppleTV, and I’m an adult with money so $14 isn’t that bad. That’s basically one double quarter pounder meal these days.
Do I want to see the price increase? Of course not. But I’m not going to lose any sleep over it.
I'll pay YouTube when they stop ducking over content creators with DMCA laziness and terrible royalties for music streams. A service that's worth it is one thing, but that service essentially exploiting it's employees who have no other viable alternative is bad. I'd rather pay my content creators directly through merch, Patreon, etc...
Even DNS blocking wouldn't work. DNS blocking only works if they serve ads via a different name server than they serve their content from (like content from videos.youtube.com and ads from ads.youtube.com). If they give you both ads and youtube content from the same domain, then your DNS blocker can't selective block the ads. So DNS blocking doesn't work on YouTube, and plenty of other streaming ad-containing streaming service.
YouTube have worked really hard this year to help people balance their media consumption with real life.
Everytime I am confronted with another irritating YouTube advert I close the App and say "Thanks YouTube. You are right, I didn't need to watch a detailed unboxing review for a product I neither want, nor need to know exists. I will do something in the real world and try you again in an hour"
I now find myself thinking twice before even opening the App.
Even better on my PC, because I use AdBlockers, YouTube doesn't even let me waste my time, even when I want to.
I mean, they're still not wrong. Same thing happened with Reddit, curbing my use of it made me think twice about what I was really using it for and it turns out it wasn't that much that was really necessary. It made me reach a better more healthy balance of how I use these sites (Lemmy too).
I was grandfathered in at the announcement Google Play Music All Access price of $7.99. They better not raise it. They said during the announcement they would never raise the price for those that signed up then.
I’m in this exact same boat. I also remember them saying they’d never raise the price on us. I imagine their defense will be something about how GPM doesn’t exist anymore and YouTube premium wasn’t part of that offer or something. It’s still bullshit but I can’t imagine we’ll win.
Oh bullshit. I've been on that 7.99 since Google play music all access first launched. They said it was a permanent 7.99 if you signed up that first month it launched. Guess I'm moving services or going back to piracy.
Your account might be exempted, because that's an old old deal, pretty sure "grandfathered" in this case are people who've signed up like the last couple years lmao
I signed up day one, then when they added the family plan I moved to that day one. They started charging me full price earlier this year. Looks like they are resetting everyone's price unfortunately.
This is disappointing. I was thinking of subscribing since I heard content creators got paid more per premium view, and $10 didn't seem like a bad price. But if this is the second price hike in a single year, that definitely gives me pause.
This is not the second price increase in a year. This was a misunderstanding on my part. I'm still uncertain on the $14 price point.
I have Nebula but it kinda sucks. Content is too narrow and too US focussed.
I really want a YouTube alternative but until they start to let more creators on the platform, not sure this is it.
This isn't the second price jack. There was one price increase, and then there is now the phasing out of grandfathered users. All users will have to pay the new price (which hasn't gone up again). Not defending YouTube, but just pointing out there isn't another price increase
Thanks for this, it made me go back and read through a second time. Just to explain my confusion, the article states that the price went up from $9.99 to $13.99 earlier this year, however, users that were subscribed through Google Play Music or YouTube Red were able to keep getting the old price for a little while longer. Then the article mentions "$9.99 – or even $7.99 – grandfathered users will now pay $13.99/month for YouTube Premium starting in January."
Somehow, my brain interpreted this all to mean that there was a $7.99 to $9.99 increase in July. I think maybe I was thinking that because it's odd to have an article about an old price increase. But really, the article is about the end of the grandfather period for Play Music and YouTube Red subscribers. All other users already had the price increase.
It's cheaper for me to just bump up my Adguard DNS subscription on my home router. Though I've only done limited testing to see how efficient it handles YT ads. (so far seems to work).
Honestly, the $3 CAD I spend on Adguard DNS through my router has been incredible. I'm flabbergasted when I connect to someone else's Wi-Fi and see what the Internet looks like outside my door walls.
Nextdns was $22/year and worked very well for me for 3 years. I maintain my own now, but for many people it's perfectly fine to pay for a working service, not everyone wants or needs to fine tune their DNS like some. Just because it's free doesn't mean it's better and vice versa.
Welcome to the club, I was on the $14.99 Family Premium from YT Red/GPM. I left in a fit to Spotify, but crawled back since I just do not get along with Spotify. It was quite an increase to $22.99, but I literally watch YT as my main source of entertainment, and listen to YT music via Android Auto in my car, as well as through the house all the time. So I am getting a lot of use out of it. but I am not sure I could stomach another increase anytime soon.
It went from 10 to 20 on me. Considering all I lost (YT red premium content, google play music, etc) I just canceled then enabled a single user free account I get via Google fi. With money saved, bought family a spotify family plan
If you do this make sure to support your favorite content creators in other ways, if possible for you. Ads are not just how YouTube makes money, it's how the people you're watching make money too.
I hope I didn't miss the wave here:
Does anyone else have a solution for their kids? I don't want them on un-restricted youtube, youtube kids is generally gate-kept enough that I feel comfortable they won't come across anything immediately damaging. I pay for YouTube family for now to avoid adverts.
Or maybe they are sharing the family plan with 2 other people and rounding up. Or they have a different plan. Or they live in a country with different prices and converting to usd. Or a handful of other reasons that doesn't involve conspiracy theories.
Individually maybe. But every streaming company has been doing price hikes. And you're not getting anything more, just some useless "AI" stuff I doubt anyone asked for. If they had said the increase was 100% so they could offer more to creators I wouldn't blink. Or using it to hire the support staff creators need, also would be cool with that. But this looks like nothing more than the corporate bottom line