Viking_Hippie Fixed it.
84 0 Replymrpaw69
Yea that’s more accurate. Meta can’t watch you when you don’t have their apps. Think, people, think
6 1 Replyseb
When you download Threads, you let The Zuck inside your house. He'll be watching you always then, even when you sleep.
2 0 ReplyViking_Hippie While doing medical measuring you never asked for or needed when you sleep, Orphan Black style
1 0 Reply
I showed you my thread, pls respond
53 0 Replymrpaw69
I’m in danger!
I won’t ever download threads on my phone. Im planning to also delete Reddit soon, I am waiting for my data I requested
Also this is my very first comment on this platform, hello to everyone!
51 0 ReplyJuan
Hello! Have a nice stay
5 0 Replymrpaw69
3 0 Reply
The caption is wrong. This is Zuck when you have downloaded the app. The list of permissions includes him going to your house and watching while you take a shower.
31 0 ReplyTurretCorruption For some people, thats a feature
8 0 Reply
Frost Wolf
Threads got to me late. The moment it was advertised, I’m in too deep the lemmy hole.
25 0 ReplyIron Lynx At least you guys over on won't be dealing with that shit. I hope will defed soon.
20 2 ReplyCabrio There's nothing to defed from yet, meta hasn't registered an instance yet.
8 0 ReplyTGhost [She/Her]
Created my account on just for this. Its easy let's go
2 0 ReplyIron Lynx if/when account migration becomes a thing, this might be a thing for me to consider. I'd hate to have to make an entirely new account just to join a different instance...
2 0 Reply
NotSpez I heard if you try to delete it the name changes to Threats
15 0 ReplyLewistrick When you're in the EU and don't have to worry about Threads yet.
14 0 ReplyDouble_A
Meanwhile in the EU: sleep
13 0 ReplyContend6248 Fucking world capital of privacy laws, preach.
4 0 ReplyHolzkohlen
Oh, you best believe the Zuck is watching you sleep unblinking.
1 0 Reply
thegreatgarbo Terrifying
12 0 ReplyUserNotFound
Meanwhile in European Union: I don't care
11 0 ReplyGrant_M
LOL accurate!
10 0 ReplyFlaxPicker
What is this pic from? Photoshopped?
10 0 Replyamgine OP Pretty sure it’s AI
26 1 Replyveroxii Zuck can be AI generated so easily because you don't have to worry about the uncanny valley.
54 0 ReplyPinklink Yah a lot of people think that, pretty sure he’s just a super weird guy though
13 0 ReplyRufio I’ve been wondering why there aren’t more memes using AI generated images like this. There is so much potential.
7 0 Reply
I haven't even downloaded Facebook or Instagram. I trust that company less than nearly any other major American tech company.
10 0 Replyneocamel I see your haven't downloaded it yet, and raise you a I don't even know what the hell it is.
8 0 ReplyCMGX78
Whelp, looks like sleep is out of the question tonight.
6 0 ReplyInfiniteGlitch
I’m unable to and probably never will. They want like.. all your data
6 0 ReplyNotSpez Mark ZuckerBear - if you feed him data just once, he’ll always come back for more
6 0 ReplyAlkider Warning: do not feed the zuck
4 0 Reply
omgnvq He'll have a long wait
5 0 Replybleepbloopbleep stumbles into Lemmy as a newb
What is Threads?
4 0 Replytheneverfox
Instagram with text posts, but branded as Twitter and with plans to take over the fediverse
5 1 Reply
null_ When you nut but she still Zucc-in
5 1 ReplyTowerofPimps
He's not human
4 0 Reply001100 010010
I'm tempted to start the download then immediately cancel and give a 1 star rating. But I also don't want to add to their download stats. Decisions decisions...
3 0 ReplyAlkider If you downloaded it, did it start trying to gather info before or after you downloaded it?
1 0 Reply001100 010010
I didn't download it yet. An app cannot collect data if it's not even finished downloading. And even if it did finish downloading, I doubt it runs without being first tapped on, even then, the app will need to ask permissions first, which I ain't gonna grant any. You can click cancel immediately after clicking download, then you are allowed to rate the app.
1 0 Reply
Test Display Name ⭐ He's behind me, isn't he?
2 0 ReplyNuwanda
This is the kind of guy my mom tells me to avoid and a few years later I understand why she was so damn right.
1 0 ReplyHolzkohlen
That image might haunt me in my dreams. There is just something so off with his eyes.
1 0 Reply