Make it 70. I am a Nitro sub actually make it 40 I have 3 other friends that are as well. Well now technically 30 because I have an additional friend in Sweden who pays for it. I have fiber my friends and I stream games the higher streaming quality is worth it. I also use Vencord to add some additional features.
More people pay for things that I think are given credit for. I don't mind spending money on a product I enjoy with my friends.
Yeah, same. I didn't even touch the friends tab at all, so having it as DMs works better for my purposes. But Discord is trying to be the app for so many purposes I'm not surprised people are upset by a major UI change and having it be different to the desktop layout.
For yours, not others. That's kind of the crux of the issue with most UI changes nowadays. They're made for the "average user" and the average user has the most basic needs, utilizes few advanced options, and takes advantage of the least functions. They don't even glance at the settings menu.
And when your primary goal developing software is to serve that audience, you will end up inevitably prioritizing aesthetic over functionality over time, until you've got...well, until you've got the reddit mobile app.
"Look pretty, do less"
And every time you do that, you're pissing off your power users a little more.
As with most issues with UI changes, they could be solved by giving the user options to customize their experience to their needs, but the idea of customizable UI is verboten nowadays for consumer apps.
I dislike a couple things -- swipe to reply in general, hiding the server member list within search, and the way they laid out the new tab that combined DMs and friends list. Making the friends list horizontal profile pictures to scroll through is just annoying. Other than that it's fine.
Yeah, it finally feels like a mobile app that you can use without having to know the layout of the desktop version first. A friend of mine that never used the desktop app really struggled with basic tasks on the old mobile app.
Odd, I was pretty happy when I got the update. I always thought it was odd that servers and PMs were mixed somewhat in the UI, and hard to distinguish between.
People just don't like things being different than they were ig.
Or is there another change I didn't notice that had people bothered?
I don't dislike all the changes but the removal of the left swipe gesture to access current channel information and pinned message is a huge negative change to me.
Oh OK, I guess this seals it, I don't have whatever new version people are complaining about, left swipe still works for me. I was reading through the posts trying to figured out what changed, and none of it sounded familiar. I got a discord patch yesterday, but maybe the fold phones don't have the same version as bar phones do.
Edit: Ah, if I close discord fully and open it on the little outside screen instead, I get the new version. That is definitely too many changes to make at once. Weird that I just have both versions.
The two big problems for me are (1) increased slowness and lag, and (2) phantom notifications (a red 10 dot in the bottom notifications but I click in and see that it's empty)
Been a while since I used the new thing, immediately hated it. All on mobile.
First of a, the bottom scroll thing on my phone to select a server or whatever it was just ain't it. I didn't use it much, but it seemed extremely annoying to move between dm and servers, especially if they weren't the top ones. You can get lists and such by swiping.
Second was that server channels turned into a huge mess. Showing the last message makes absolutely no sense on any server I use. Especially on bigger game server like destiny group finding one's already long lists turned into miles long lists. Absolutely unusable. I need things compact and clean personally, having the channels big and wide wastes so much space, and again long lists.
Being in a server hides any notifications and dms too.
Everything that was close at hand before is now far away. And that sucks for me.
I'm not sure anyone is complaining specifically about the DM button, that's the one change that's probably good? Like it doesn't do much for me, and I wouldn't care if they didn't also change how the DM window works.
Or how the swiping works in the server.
I’m so confused. When I got this unexpected change I was so excited. This is exactly what’s been wrong with the UX in that app. It’s so much clearer now
it also makes Discord no different from any other app.
Seems to be the consistent theme now. Legitimately, no app seems to want to have its own visual identity anymore, it's all the same shit, in white or black, with the same floating squircles, wasted screen space, laid out in a manner that provides less information. It's depressingly lifeless and Corporate Memphis levels of inauthentic. The result of a CEO saying "do an Apple" to the UX team, because they gotta hook that young demo, rather than do anything original, identifiable, or interesting.
And they certainly aren't about to spend any amount of time appealing to tech literate power users, or (god forbid) people who like to customize their own UIs.
Outside of a minor appearance change, they moved direct messages out of the server list and into their own space (never understood why they did it that way before), and added a way to quickly reply to a message at the expense of having to tap the channel name to see the member list instead of swiping... I'm missing how this is a massive change here and how it significantly impacts usability...
I don't really get this take. If you don't like Discord Nitro, simply don't buy it. If you enjoy the features Nitro adds and don't mind paying the monthly fee, then buy it. I don't really understand what shaming people who pay for Nitro accomplishes.
Wait, the new UI I got yesterday? With the servers and messages finally finally separated? I like it personally. I struggle to find my DMs on the desktop app vs servers and never found the overall UI intuitive. I am usually the first to get upset over UI changes (looking at you Google Messages!), but for once I am happy.
One problem I have with it is that it's harder than ever to get to the members list. You have to click a thing at the top of the screen rather than just swiping from the right.
I have no idea how we got to it before at I mostly use smaller channels and friends, but I just tapped on the # channel-banner-name at the top, without having to think about it too hard. I have never seen this screen until now, but having separate tabs for all the shared links, media, pins, and members is something I wish more apps did.
I hope they can find a happy middle ground for users, or give users enough customization options where they can configure what works for them. I hate that only 3rd party apps for things like Reddit and Lemmy actually give you control over your interface. Is it too much to ask to have customization options like the old days? 😥
Oh look, we've finally hit the "this place is full of morons except me and the people who think like me" point. I guess we're on our way to being a reddit alternative after all.
I have shit internet so the audio and stream quality does matter to me - its the universal emojis and sound board that keeps me paying. I'm not ashamed
Then they ask for a little more... Then a little more... This is why Netflix is $20/mo now because not enough people have the will to do without. These companies make you feel as if you're missing out or that you can't survive without their services, and when that happens they own you.
Considering how much is free and how much of a better experience it is compared to competitors, yeah, it really is not so bad. The MTX boil down to a few cosmetics and ability to use more bandwidth (ability to upload bigger files, stream in 4K)
"oh, at least there are no ads"
except they're shoving microtransaction ads literally everywhere.
Various practices that make you feel like you're missing out by not buying nitro.
Profile decoration shop ads almost in every single place.
There's even a dedicated nitro gift button on the message bar.
This is honestly just people hating it because its different? There is no feature removal, its just built differently. Also i find it disgusting that THIS is why people are boycotting nitro. Imagine being comfortable supporting probably the largest service hosting CSAM (and not doing much about it) but drawing the line at it taking an extra tap to view server members.
I mean they've broken the app for me. After about 15 minutes the message window won't refresh regardless if I change channels or servers. Notifications take me nowhere so I need to go find the event myself. I'm only a light user so I'm sure there is more. It's not just because it's different, I actually like the new UI better.
although i use a different mobile client that's built on older code (aliucord for those curious!), i still tried out the new update and it isn't terrible imo. what i mainly don't like is the server list and dms being completely seperate now, how spaced out things are, the swipe to reply feature, the members + pinned messages list being moved, how messages don't have a smooth little transition/animation when you send them. there are some things i like, like how in the members/pinned messages list theres a media and links tab now.. and other things i don't remember right now lol, but the cons outweigh the pros for me.. back to aliucord i go :p
i haven't noticed any activity on my end, but i think it might be cus im only active on like a handful of servers. im thinking the more active you are in more places, or the more active you are in the community, the more likely they'll notice you and stuff, yk? im thinking that's why even though i use 3rd party clients on both pc and mobile, they haven't done anything to my account
Yeah I like being able to shitpost with meme emojis from other servers and keep the one platform me and my freeloading friends use, alive. I ain't going back to Skype and god bless the souls on Teamspeak.
huh, I opted into the new layout months ago. I got use to it quickly.
Edit: I went back to discord to find the server tray/drawer the beta had disappeared. If this is the final version, I’m surprised people are upset. The drawer was the most radical change.
Reading this, I just switched to see as well. That drawer was atrocious UX, and the new design without it is actually pretty good.
I don't find myself getting frustrated with having to tap repeatedly to do anything, and the separation of DMs and servers is cleaner and more intuitive than the old layout where they were mixed together.
well the drawer sounds nice in theory, but the implementation wasatrocious.
I'm actually not against just putting the server list at the bottom, as discord is basically unusable with single hand atm
The only issue I have is not seeing the server channel listings. I’ll get over it but I’m not a fan of that when selecting a channel now. Also in the experimental features they have a thing called like launchpad? I think. I fucking love that guy.
The UI changes are horrible. They make it so it takes more taps to get to places. Idk who is in charge of that but they need to reevaluate things. Also paying for discord is hilarious. But people unsubscribing is the only way they might roll back.
I just took a look and it seems fine. Way easier to access messages which is the main reason I use discord on my phone. I thought the UI was shit to begin with so it's hard for them to do worse.
You're not alone. Especially over the past few months, fonts on mobile seemed slightly off. The new design looks way better in comparison as the typography is consistent across the entire app.
I dunno. Just speculation (here's a grain of salt but) people may be sick of Nitro because of all the features that Nitro users are asked to pay more for. It's weird to remind people who are paying a subscription for an app that there's a store where they can pay more for stuff.
You're not. Some opeople are overreacting big time. "change is bad". This ux change is so minor compared to what some other places have done in the past...
Like always the vocal few are making are making a mole hill into a mountain again.
I cancelled my nitro years ago because what exactly is the benefits that I can’t do with being a freeloader? Besides I’m sure they scrape all my data anyways
I dont understand the outrage. It's slightly different, oh no. Back in my day, we used a shitty bright white Windows 95 style UI voice chat program called Ventrilo, and WE LIKED IT.
It's not about the DM button being moved, it's about all the UX they broke in halves. They changed how swipe works, they changed how the DM list works, they changed how search works, none in a good way.
For a lot of "power users", changing how swiping acts goes in direct opposition to the muscle memory, so that's annoying. Some functionality is just gone or is made much worse, like no longer seeing images in search and no longer having autocomplete for the filter terms there. You can no longer look at the DM list and then go back to active DM because swiping there was turned into a dumb back button replacement.
And above all, this is just a canary in the coal mine moment - they do not care about their current app, they will do whatever they like and people are understandably uncomfortable with that.
Not really. Stop maintaining it, but leave it for those who want to opt in to it. Exactly how old.reddit worked. They managed to avoid most of the backlash for their new UI because us diehards could stick to the old one.
This change actually has been out for a while, I've been on the layout for the past year or so. It's just recently they forced the existing user base onto it where before it was in opt-in, once you get used to the layout it's actually quite a bit better in my opinion it goes with the mobile flow a lot better, it's just getting used to it for the first week or so sucks. It's all so much better than their original redesign which had all of your servers on the bottom with your DM and you had to swipe back and forth between the servers to try to find it which was absolutely atrocious
That's easy.
You have some 'product manager' or 'UX lead' who gets hired. They need to make a name for themself, and keeping the old thing going won't do that. So you get a big redesign.
There might even be some QA testing to see if the new design is more intuitive.
There will rarely if ever be any testing to see if whatever benefit the new design brings, is offset by making existing users relearn the whole thing.
Don't get how anyone likes the new UI. I downloaded the regular discord app (I use Aliucord,fortunately still on old UI) real quick and literally could not figure where anything was.
What kind of brain rot do you have where taking a few moments to re-figure out how to do things again is too much for you. Ever consider that maybe UI changes are to make things more accessible as well?
Discord design team has been utterly useless since they changed to the dark theme being the default in like 2016
they just tried to justify their overstay and over-payment by changing shit for the sake of changing it
if people werent lazy such lazy apathetic blobs i could have left the platform years ago.
I managed to get barely a hundred people to switch from a 3k server and after a couple of weeks most stopped talking altogether, internet communication sucks man.