Reminder that all forms of miscarriage care are considered abortions in medical settings and banning abortions means dead babies are more important than live women
As a note to those who don't know: this varies by state, but generally speaking, you cannot become a licensed physician without having learned abortion care.
I just received a secondary application from University of Michigan Medical School. Looks like I know what school isn't going to receive my application.
I think abortion will be treated much like slavery in the future. People will look back at past atrocities and ask "how did people think it was okay to kill babies that inconvenience them?". It will be as bizarre if not moreso than owning a slave.
I agree with you, except it will be the opposite. "How did people think it was okay to force women into this with no choice? Even at the risk of their own lives in a country with a high maternal mortality rate."
How did people think it was okay to force 13 year olds to give birth to rape babies? How did people think it was okay to force a woman to give birth to the corpse of her already confirmed dead child or carry her dead child until it rotted inside her? How did people think it was okay to let women go to jail for having a miscarriage? How did people value a bundle of formless non-sentient cells more than rape victims or children or even just women in general who deserve autonomy and respect? How did people understand why it was wrong to force someone to donate their organs without consent, and yet still tried to force women to donate their wombs and in some cases their lives without their consent?
Oh yeah, because they were fucking idiots, like you.
No, what will actually happen is they will wonder how people could ever mistake a clump of cells as a baby and force women to carry a child they don't want.
I like when people use the "clump of cells" argument like that doesn't perfectly describe all life as we know it. You sir are just a clump of cells, can I take your life because you are an unwanted clump of cells?
I'm going to presume that you're confused rather than lying.
NOBODY thinks "it's okay to kill babies."
The reality is that those who support a right to abortion do not believe that fetuses qualify as "babies" at all. In their opinion, a fetus is at most a potential person - not an actual person.
Yes - I understand that that's not your position, and I'm sure you have lots of what you believe to be compelling arguments to support your view that fetuses docqualify as "babies," but that's explicitly NOT the position of people who support a right to abortion.
So when you characterize the pro-choice position as one that asserts that "it's okay to kill babies," you're at the very least misrepresenting what they actually believe.
I presume you consider yourself to be a moral person, so you should likely ask yourself - just how moral is your position, really, if you feel compelled to lie and misrepresent the views of those who disagree?
A failure to understand or believe that abortion is murder does not make it no long a murder. For the people that believe Jews deserve to die their opinion does not change the fact that the holocaust was genocide. I also said "in the future" since, much like slavery was accepted in the past, I believe our understanding of human life will undergo change and abortion will be viewed as a murder of innocents.
“how did people think it was okay to kill babies that inconvenience them?”.
Let me fix this for you.
"How did we create a society with so little support for mothers that some had abortions for financial or lack-of-support reasons?"
That's the real tragedy. If a woman doesn't want a baby, then she's going to be a horrible mom and raise a horrible person. Those people can have abortions all day and night for all I care. But the women who might want one, but can't afford it, but don't feel safe in their own home, that's society failing.
That's completely fair and very possible, but I do disagree morally that it's better to have an abortion than to bring a baby into the world that isn't wanted. Want should not dictate the viability of life nor the concept of basic human right to life. Most times the right thing isn't easy or even what we want, but that should not get in the way of doing what IS right. Should there be better foster care systems and increased funding for both systems and families willing to foster/adopt? Absolutely. But the failure of our government to put spending where it should to assist with fostering/adoption and, as you mentioned, in education and standard of living, does not change the morality of the ending of a baby's life through abortion.
It’s funny since I just learned how to block a user after viewing the Big Toe comments. The troll drove me to figure out that feature. So at least something good came out of it.
I'd like to think that, in the future, people would realize most if not all anti-abortion activists were low information and largely indoctrinated. When you actually understand the science behind reproduction, it's really hard to look at a blob of cells that's frequently lost without human intervention anyhow as a "baby".
And this, yet again, is why science education, REAL science education, is so important.
The vast majority of abortions, like 99.9%, are either for medical reasons or sexual assault. The conservative hegemony has done an excellent job of brainwashing people like yourself into believing the opposite. I can't even imagine the horror that rape victims go through when being forced to give birth to a constant reminder of the unbelievable hell that they endured.
Whenever these two reasons (medical and rape) are brought up to abortion opponents, they all seem to be ok with terminating pregnancies as these are acceptable exceptions.
I think rather they would look back and wonder how we failed so badly at education to result in comments such as yours to get to the point where we allowed risking a woman's life for dead clump of cells.