Java used to lack many features to make the stuff you wanted it to do, so most Java programmers adapted design patterns to solve these problems.
Honestly, older versions of Java are utter garbage DX. The only reason it got so popular was because of aggressive enterprise marketing and it worked. How can a language lack such an essential feature as default parameters?
So, anyway after the great hype Java lost its marketshare, and developers were forced to learn another technologies. And of course, instead of looking for language-native way of solving problems, they just used same design patterns.
And thus MoveAdapterStrategyFactoryFactories were in places where simple lambda function would do the same thing, just not abstracted away three layers above. Obviously used once in the entire codebase.
Imo the only really good thing about Java was JVM, while it was not perfect, it actually delivered what it promised.
Java in a large way has been eclipsed by most other languages, and developers kind of have a way of making fun of old technologies, like a lot of the same jokes are made about PHP which is still very popular but outdated. In reality Java is also still incredibly popular and knowing it is certainly a benefit. It's just a collective joke.
If it's a job that requires high-performance/low-level code (which seems to be the case from the other qualifications), this is probably their way of filtering out people who have primarily worked at a higher level where you don't need to worry about the nitty-gritty details
Hardware bring up is when you design a pcb or something and there doesn't yet exist any firmware for it. It would be the ability to debug the board and write firmware for it.
Looks like the company is, but they do not appear to have any open job listings at the moment. I assume this is an older screenshot.
Maybe they want to avoid java coding patterns. FactoryFactoryGenerator kind of stuff. Maybe they want to teach their own java coding patterns and want someone coming in with a blank slate so they don't have to unlearn habits. Maybe they're tired of diploma mill programmers applying and are using this as a resume filter tripwire.
We had an outside contractor bring us some code once that was thousands of lines of Python to do a very simple job. I was perplexed. I dove in to figure out what the problem was, and somehow I was looking at the most Java-esque Python code I could imagine. What’s worse is that he implemented his own “Java style” property getters and setters for all the Python classes, which obviously aren’t needed because you can simply access properties directly. In the end I took an 80 line snippet of his code (which actually did the work we needed), swapped out all the getters and setters, and deleted all the rest.
That's not to say that python coding habits are the best either -- certainly they're terrible when translating outside of python (most of the time). And even within python, someone who is used to with only the base modules will write it differently than writing PyQt and still completely different than someone doing numpy code... because the styles of coding of the underlying system change your coding mode. Like, my variables are all CamelCase when doing user interfaces with Qt because it makes sense there, stylistically.
Definitely the first. I work in ML, and I find for instance people with background mainly in c# to be the least fit for my field, particularly if they have long experience. So I understand this kind of requests
Had to work with a python programer on a small java project (in uni). I passed some (handcrafted) strings in an Optional to be explicit an first thing he does is check whether they are empty (sending on empty strings would not have been problematic). Also he had compilation errors on his branch that lasted over a week. What python does to someone.
I worked under a self-proclamed Python/JavaScript programmer, and part of the job involved doing rather advanced stuff in various other typed languages like c# and c++. It was hell. The code review were hell. For every little tiny weenie little things we had to go through "why coding c++ like it is python" is a very bad idea.
What is crazy about developers who exclusively work with scripting languages is that they have no conception of why general good practices exist, and they often will make up their own rules based on their own quirks. In my previous example, the developer in question was the author of a codebase that was in literal development hell, but he was adamant on not changing his ways. I'd definitely be wary of hiring someone who exclusively worked with scripting language, and sometime it is less work to train someone who is a blank slate rather than try to deprogram years of bad habits.
I grew up with C and C/++ is still my main language, checking for empty strings is instinctive to me. It's cheap insurance and what does it cost, a couple cycles?
Though you won't find me using bare cstrings these days unless there is a damn good reason for it. So much extra work to handle them. Even in embedded work, String classes have superceded them.
reading this just gives me the biggest imposted syndrom and reminds me of how underqualified for any job i feel, even after my software development apprenticeship
Don't feel that way. This is a highly specific role with a ton of not-necessarily-connected tech. Python, C++, Rust and calling out Java? Strange. You don't need to know any of this stuff to be successful. If you just know javascript, that's enough for many, many roles.
Youll find that if you understand the patterns you're using in JS, you can apply them to many other languages. Other languages will have different syntaxes and maybe slightly different patterns, but you can always apply what you know, which will make it easier to add more languages to your arsenal.
You'll feel like you have no idea what you're doing for a long time, but all the while you have picked up a ton of knowledge and experience that you will still probably discount. Just be eager to learn and don't sell yourself too short.
Once I asked a professor to participate in a project. So he interviewed me and asked me about my skills, as they do, and one of the questions was "do you know oop? Java?", me: "just the basics", him: "even better".