With the plethora of great games getting released every month on PC, it's very hard to feel any excitment for a game that will probably release in 2027 on PC. It doesn't help that GTA Online left a sour taste, and even the single player story was only great for the first few hours then you just start doing heists for the fbi for the rest of the game. Considering we're only getting a cinematic trailer after all this wait, I'm expecting already multiple delays or cyberpunk-level of disaster at launch
Man youre so right.... You know they are going console 1st.. then when sales die down they will release on PC.
Same rinse and repeat bull shit as before.
My question is going to be how online will this one be? If it's two separate deals like 5 then cool... If not. I'm probably going to pass.
Yeah that's my question. Like many others, I grew up with the single player only GTA experience. I have so many core gaming memories just fucking about in GTA 3/vice city etc. I just really hope we get a decent single player experience.
The shark card whale bonanza killed any excitement I had for the franchise. I know they are gonna just milk the shit out of it, and it will probably cut into the quality of the game/experience. On the plus side, smaller games like Last Train Home kick ass and are a ton of fun, and I'm looking forward to another indie game coming out next year.
I suspect given the success of GTA online their priorities have shifted and they'll want this on as many platforms as possible on release. They're a GTA online company now, units sold are a secondary concern.
As a former Floridian, this is definitely triggering my PTSD as they seriously nailed the atmosphere of Vice City (Miami). Curious if the main characters will be as well written as V's were
I'm more interested of how much satire, sarcasm, irony and parody they bring into gta 6. Not really care about graphics since whats shaping up gta is the satirical of the world especially usa.
If they still keep those in check on release, rockstar still had the balls.
Even though it is coming from rockstar main studios, I just hope it won't be end up like Saints Row reboot which turn out become massive joke and the volition had to close up lmao.
Honestly, if Rockstar can make a modern GTA equivalent of Saints Row 2, they’d be golden. Which is kind of ironic in a sense since Saints Row was originally the “GTA at home” clone but became amazing.
In a sense of gritty crime story telling? Yeah I'd agree. Things that make SR1 & 2 differs from GTA is that they dont shy away from goofiness and let players having fun with lots of side activity but at same time they also have coherent direction where the story heading at (like Yakuza series).
Though I would be more cautious in writing as the only veteran staff of GTA creation that stays on Rockstar is Sam Houser. Dan Houser (his brother), Leslie Benzies and some others key people had leave Rockstar games due to some internal issues as far as I know.
Did we watch the same trailer? This looks fucking amazing. None of this is actual gameplay footage, and about two scenes actually look like cutscenes. but it’s all been rendered IN ENGINE. Just like every other fucking Rockstar trailer to ever exist. This looks freaking insane.
People are shitting on the 2025 release date like…..bruh. RDR2 took 8 years to develop. Rumors say this has been in development since 2019 or so, right after the release of RDR2. So 6-7 years which makes perfect sense. I’m not happy about the nearly two year wait but it fits with the development timeline.
Jesus christ I hope Rockstar parodies all of your asses to show how fucking negative the internet has become.
I'm with you. The trailer looks incredible and I am very eagerly anticipating the game.
The trailer showed a lot of things that would likely be a part of the GTA6 story, and for that it looks like the game is geared up to be something incredibly entertaining and FUN!
My only gripe is the PC version is likely to release after consoles :(
This is definitely at least in-engine, likely actually in-game footage:
characters swimming in the water during both of the beach shots have no animations whatsoever, they just stand on the water like they're jesus christ.
one of the container ships in the later overhead shot showing the derelict bridge is entirely untextured and extremely low res, while the rest of the environment is highly detailed
in the opening shot, parts of the city are billboarded or simple blocks to provide a basic skyline shape, while the areas around the prison are extremely detailed
The NPCs standing on the water also suggests NPCs are driven by the final actor and animation systems, but the animations for swimming or walking through water are just not done yet.
We also see a significant difference between the recreations of florida man memes, where every motion is keyframed to match the original videos, and the parts of the trailer where we see NPCs actually running their regular animation loops, as in the beach, club or road scenes.
Now, will we see this level of quality in game? Yes and no. Usually, a small elite team builds a vertical slice, a single mission in which every little mechanic already works, followed by many larger teams then building the rest of the game, trying to match the quality of the original template.
A good example of this is the original 40min E3 demo of cyberpunk 2077, which exists in the game 1:1 today. This vertical slice was awesome, but later missions usually had fewer alternative solutions, less polished environments and an overall lower interactivity.
So while I'm sure the robbery / prison / parole hearing part is fully fleshed out and will likely be included in the final game as-is, other parts of the game might not reach the same level of realism. Even if you ran the game on the same high-end workstations the developers are using.
You can generate anything in-engine, it's not representative of gameplay. Everyone does it and it's equally shitty. It looks like a minute and a half of cutscenes and, other than character reveals it looks like a normal release. It just looks like smoothed out gta5, so like....gta5 on pc. The achievement wouldn't be the graphics, it would be "can it maintain the graphics steadily and not drop frames"
Timeline is irrelevant, agreed. it will come out when it comes out.
Rockstar has a great track record of their trailers being very close to the final game. Just look at any of their trailers and the final game. There's not really any reason to believe it will be different this time.
I have a strange feeling about the story for this game. Here's my prediction:
Lucia breaks out of prison with the help of Jason and an outside character. Lucia and Jason then go on the run turning into a Bonny and Clyde story. Doing heists and robbing people to make some cash to get away from the cops. But then, they rob the wrong person or they were forced to rob the person by the other character and are forced into the drug trade. Maybe the other character was a narco that either Lucia or Jason knew. The FIB or DEA catch wind of this and since Lucia and Jason prove to be very good criminals, they then rope them into taking down the drug trade by robbing and pulling heists.
This goes on until they both eventually find a way out or plan to pull "one last heist" that'll free them from both the narcos and the FIB or DEA. But then, whoopsie, turns out either Lucia or Jason had some ulterior motive for tagging along with one another. While Lucia or Jason was in prison, they struck a deal with either the narcos or FIB to either escape the country or wipe their record. The catch? They had to bring the other person in, kill them, or just generally betray them.
Then the final act would be one of three options. Lucia kills Jason, Jason kills Lucia, or they both fight the narcos and FIB together Bonnie and Clyde style. Either way, bullets are gonna be flying.
The end game would be only Lucia or Jason are left alive and free of both the narcos and FIB. But, Maybe they became a crime Lord in the drug trade thanks to the other person dying or the FIB unknowingly.
Based on how Rockstar makes their stories, I predict one of the two is gonna bite the bullet by the end.
Best part of GTA V for me was the social satire and Trevor being a total sociopath. The story isn't anything special, the final mission hits the wrong story beats (it should have ended with the big shootout of government bureaucracy pileup), and the gameplay has some design mistakes (like business income being completely useless, and money in general being a non-issue after the first big heist). It had bugs that prevented story progress without workarounds that were never fixed. It got a lot of praise at the time for having crazy draw distances in an open world game while working on an XBox 360. That's no longer a big deal.
I don't think it deserved all the five-star reviews it got back then.
Conversely, if the social satire is on point and the character building is solid, then I'll be happy.
I think the "escape from prison" part won't happen, because we see Lucia with an ankle monitor in the promo pic. Implying she's on parole or something. The rest sounds plausible though.
Not disappointed in the trailer or the game or anything, but I would've loved to see a GTA set in a city outside the US. For example in a London-like city or Tokyo or Rome or Paris.
But yeah this new GTA looks sick. They did a great job in capturing the new fucked up Florida vibe.
I've always dreamed about this one, London 69 updated in their recent style. I think they talked about this before and the problem is the cops in London didn't carry guns then so it made it difficult to be a GTA game in the typical sense.
All 2022 Rome had only 16 homicides... And street are too small and traffic is too bad for a grand theft auto... Rome is good for spy stories, thriller or stealth games. GTA wouldn't really work
In London not even police has guns... Having someone hanging around with a gun is too unrealistic, more than Harry potter
I always assumed GTA to be a broad parody on modern America. From the beginning it was a new York esque mob-gang warfare, and then moved out to add in more usa adjacent scenery. It's more about keeping with the theme, let IPs like watchdogs take the initial risks.
I'd like it just set in any new city outside of these 3. It's always been a rotation of Liberty, Vice and San Andreas, even back to GTA 1 (which was the 3 cities in one)
The Florida vibe is definitely oozing from this trailer. I can almost smell it, and quite frankly I'm disgusted. Bravo. I would've preferred the next GTA being somewhere else, but maybe this it exactly where it belongs.
i dunno if they find enough whacky criminal characters. Seems to be the other countries are still too normal or things are too fucked up for the series to work there.
GTA Chinatown Wars was great when it released for Nintendo DS and the PSP. It was actually a really well done update to the GTA 2 style of gameplay that a lot of people missed because it was a portable game. It was available on iOS and Android, too, but not sure if it's still there.
Knowing Rockstar put off development of this game for as long as they did just so they could milk GTAO for every last penny makes me hesitant at best.
I have never been let down by a GTA campaign, but they know where the money is, I'm hesitant to believe they will give this one the attention it deserves after seeing the profits from GTAO. Or maybe I'm just pessimistic
GTA5's campaign was fairly good, but it sucks they abandoned the planned additions and shoved the assets into GTAO only. I do not care to play GTAO, but I would have liked more things to do in single player. Knowing that this is likely going to have single player solely as a pipeline into GTAO though, yeah I'm sceptical too.
I think GTAO (and RDR2-O) is pretty much unplayable with all the obvious cheaters in each session. Rockstar doesnt even care if someone runs around with a K:D of > 1000:1, ruining the game for everyone else ...
I just wonder if they can actually figure out a way to make GTA online actually fun. Because It really isn't a good game mode.
All of the online modes that are actually fun are all modded servers. The mental servers are awful you spawn in and get blown up instantly, how's that fun?
GTAOnline has suffered from feature pile-on. I think there's an official software development term for it, but I can't remember it. It's fun, aside from the astronomical grind and push for shark cards (but there are ways around that wink wink) Even considering that, getting into it as a new player is wild.
It’s 10 fucking years. GTA 3, Vice City, and San Andreas were all less than a couple years apart. They need to reuse that strategy of working in parallel and reusing the game engine for a few sequels before moving to the next generation.
I’m confident they would’ve released more games if GTA Online wasn’t such a money printer for them. For those of us that liked the single player though and didn’t touch online, it’s been a while!
Am I the only one who no longer cares for GTA series after the Shark Code shitshow series has become ans the dropped promise of single player mods and DLC?
I’m only interested in GTA 6 for the single player game. Never played GTA 5 online for more than 30 minutes. I wish they had given us some single player DLC, but I guess Rockstar decided they could make the more money selling a handful of kids fake in game currency so why bother. It sucks for those of us that like the single player because it means we get a new game once a decade now. Used to be that Rockstar released a new GTA every couple years.
Gta online was fun at first, when it was all about fooling around in the awesome big map with friends, but after that got old, there's nothing else to do but grind boring missions that all feel the same.
I feel like a nutjob in that I just...don't really care about GTA VI. The graphics look great, I'm sure the world will be awesome, but...after what Rockstar did to GTA V's singleplayer and RDR2 as a whole (abandoning both in favor of printing money through Shark Cards), plus the whole "Rockstar Magic" working conditions thing from awhile ago (and I even forgot about the whole GTA V PC issue), I'm just not really excited for this.
Maybe I'm just disillusioned, but I was much more excited when the Armored Core 6 teaser dropped - a series I had never even played before.
The GTAOnline situation is super wack, but R* hasn't stopped delivering great single player campaigns, well technically only one - RDR2 - since introducing shark cards, and it is still completely separate from RDROnline and the paid currency. I won't pre-order GTAVI still, even once it comes to PC, but I'm going to pick it up if the reviews are halfway decent.
You're mad that the online component of GTAV had premium currency microtransactions? Just don't buy them. Also, there are loads of single player mods for V, don't know what you mean.
No, they're mad that any singleplayer content planned for GTA 5 (and RDR2) in the past decade was abandoned for the money printing machine that is GTA Online. There's issues to be had with premium currencies (more specifically the stuff that usually goes along with them like lootboxes), but that's not just a GTA thing.
Also, just because other people created content for a game through mods doesn't mean we should give the company that made the game credit. That's like praising a Bethesda game based on a total overhaul mod somebody made.
You can't join into multiplayer/gta online unless you disable all mods. For a live service that needs loading Individually it still doesn't operate as good as it should especially when they have the funds for it. They dont care for the player experience. After 4 times having to enable, test and disable mods just to play online with friends, I dropped gta V all together. Wasn't worth co figuring 150+ mods just to have them all break when you have to disable them.
GTA is out of touch with the times. These days it's all grand theft catalytic converter and leave your car in a shit state where you don't know what's even wrong with it if you aren't a mechanic.
I'm cautiously optimistic. I really hope this isn't the first GTA game they ruin. I hate that they discarded the additions to GTA V's single-player in exchange for GTA Online updates, I hope they won't do that here, even though I did actually enjoy GTA Online too.
Overreaction much? GTA4 online granted didn't even work, but V online is exactly how you want GTA online to behave, minus the load times. No one is forcing you to play online. You'll easily get 100 hours just fucking around in single player.
They didn't yet, but they could at any time. Enshitification is a real thing and it's starting to become more widespread. I just have to hope that GTA 6 will be good. I think it probably will be.
I won't be pre-ordering (because they likely won't be releasing on PC at launch, ugh), but I have high hopes. There hasn't been a R* game without a killer story. I kinda expected RDR2's story to be an afterthought to the online, as that was their first game since GTAOnline, however it was still an awesome single player campaign.
And that's why this is a console only release for now.
That's what doomed cyberpunk. I got my Series X halfway through the campaign, and it was a different game on the X vs the One. I wish they had scrapped current gen plans for that game and went next gen only. It would have been a more successful launch.
I was thinking the same, but then again taking a long time to put games out isn't the same as putting out broken games. I mean rdr, rdr2, and gtav are stellar games that launched without any glaring faults iirc. Taking time is fine as long as we get a complete product.
I am guessing they’ll wait until after new consoles are released. Let people buy ps5/xXxboxXxSeriesNexXxt remastered. Then let people buy the pc version. Get 3 copies sold to each of most hardcore gamers.
Wonder how much effort they will put into preventing mods this time. I know they bought 5M so it seem they will want to shut all the unauthorized mod communities down.
I wonder how much that will be true this time around. This is the first console Gen where I have no plans to get a console, so they can't even entice me to double dip due to lack of a console. And if I haven't got a console by 2024 I won't be getting one just for one game. Exclusives don't have the same draw anymore, since they've started getting ported.
The fact that they got the twerk animation to be so realistic gives me confidence that they're raising the bar and putting in the work on this game. Also every rule 34 modder is gonna take full advantage of this
If this isn't coming out until 2025, I worry about how dated the graphics already look. It's like they took the same old models/rigs and just brought them into higher definition? Idk, but something looks off about them to me. It definitely doesn't help the $70-80 price tags that companies are trying to justify when graphics look mostly the same as they ever have.
I think we might have hit peak realism with graphics and need to lean harder into art direction.
Rockstar has done nothing but actual in-game footage for trailers since like GTA3. So, yeah, that shit is fucking insane. Doesn't even look like a PS5 could run it.
Really? I thought the lighting and environments looked good, but the models definitely need some work. They look like clay mannequins in an HD world to me, and I feel like that's only gonna get more exacerbated since this doesn't come out for another 2 years.
Meh. I'm going to disagree. I feel the graphics were underwhelming given the time they took. The scenery was beautiful but the characters and NPCs need some major work.
Elden Ring was better. Cyberpunk is better. Fortnite is better.
They are making us wait 2 more years and I don't even care because it's been that long and they have fallen behind.
It's Bonnie and Clyde. Bonnie and Clyde were crappy criminals but they were quite famous for their media presence. I think this one will have the protagonists be social media star criminals, and it will come back and bite them. Also, one dies, iirc.
Rockstar historically always have delayed pc port, and issues on launch for their pc release. Maybe 2026 is more on reality (gta 4 pc port is released in less than a year, and it was the worst performing gta on pc iirc).
Historically consoles have been much more specialized. The last GTA came out in the PS3 era. The PS3 used the cell microprocessor which was famously hard to develop for.
The latest consoles run AMD Zen CPUs, very similar to those found in most gaming PCs.
IIRC GTA V had basically no issues at launch. RDR2 had some crashing issues, but otherwise it's like one of the best optimized and most scalable PC ports I've ever seen.
When was the last major Rockstar release that came out simultaneously on consoles and PC? Max Payne 3 maybe? I assume it will be console exclusive and then PC a year later.
I think the point is - it's disappointing to see GTA 5 2.0. I expected something more, something different, less generic, not just another coastal city or a GTA 5 clone. It seems like they just merged the engine update with GTA 5. Watching the trailer bored me, like being forced to watch a mediocre action comedy movie. I don't know how the majority of the game will feel, but this trailer is just so generic. If this were a movie, no one would care. Maybe that's the point, but still, my hype is somewhat gone. I at least expected a different scenario than this GTA 5 DLC story or at least set it somewhere other than a coastal city.
Looks like GTA V with mods.
I don't get everyone being so excited about the graphics.
Maybe this are console players who haven't seen GTA V on PC but graphics wise it doesn't seem like a huge upgrade.
Sure I'm excited for the story and new possibilities like being able to enter more buildings and maybe more activities like in rdr2 but graphics wise it kinda looks "normal".
The animation system is on a whole other level, the hair simulation is leaps and bounds above anything you can mod into V, it's obviously using a modern PBR rendered and a ton of other things that makes both just night and day.
Go watch V's trailer (which for the time was incredible for an open world game) side by side with this and open your eyes.
I got tired a long time ago of games unnecessarily forcing phones and social media into them. They're never done well, and real life social media sucks enough, we don't need more of it in games.
Lmao do you know what platform you're on right now? I'm actually surprised OP is getting downvoted because this type of comment is the epitome of Lemmy. Missing satire/missing the point, anti-American, pointlessly bringing in politics/culture in a negative way. This has been my experience 80% of the time here.