Conservative women are embracing extremism under the guise of motherhood
Conservative women are embracing extremism under the guise of motherhood
The rise of this new, female group fits into a pattern of post-Jan. 6 domestic extremism.

The rise of this new, female group fits into a pattern of post-Jan. 6 domestic extremism.
These highly organized local action groups are really concerning to me. We had a group of ultra conservatives running for our local school board as a group. Very worrying that they're organizing so effectively.
17 0 Reply1chemistdown
It’s like they have weekly meetings about this stuff and plan it all out. The Sunday church crowd is the loudest group of thugs ever.
12 0 ReplyHandsHurtLoL They literally hold big workshops to explain the play book. We rarely hear about it until a secret recording from their covert meetings is leaked.
On the other side of the aisle, there is similar training and it has the light of day on it.
Consider supporting or signing up for Elect Her, the Action Network, and Downballot Progress.
10 0 Reply
I wonder how many children these "conservative" groomers have already brainwashed into their organization (which we happen to know for a fact is filled with pedophiles)?
2 0 Reply
bobthened Hags for Hitler, Ku Klux Karens.
5 0 Replyacronymesis
Karens banding together to form the Ku Klanned Karenhood.
2 0 ReplyAthena5898 If this is shocking to anyone, i recommend the book "white tears, brown scars". Kyriarchy is a thing and there are a lot of white women who will sell our rights away if they think their spot near the top is secure.
1 0 Replydumples
Women like burning witches too. Doing all of your dirties work for you
1 0 ReplyJaysyn
Their children aren't.
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