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22 Countries Pledge to Triple Nuclear Capacity in Push to Cut Fossil Fuels

Given the high cost and long lead times involved, I'm incredibly dubious about this one actually happening.

New York Times gift articles

22 Countries Pledge to Triple Nuclear Capacity in Push to Cut Fossil Fuels

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  • they have been pledging a lot of stuff for the last 30 or more years.

    ill believe anything when i see it heppening.

  • It’s worth noting that the high cost and long lead times are mostly just a US thing, many nations can go from inception to fully complete in three to five years. There also isn’t much overlap with the resources needed for cheaper solar and wind. I’m just glad that it’s not more natural gas “bridge” plants.

    • It’s worth noting that the high cost and long lead times are mostly just a US thing, many nations can go from inception to fully complete in three to five years.

      I was curious about this claim and checked out the IAEA website and just checked random cointries and found several reactors that have been under construction for way longer.

      I have never heard of a power plant or new reactor of an existing plant being build in that time frame. Do you have examples?