Which search engine do you prefer? I've been looking to switch because the results are not as good as they used to be in my opinion, but I'm not sure which of these other ones are better?
Ya, no pirate worth their salt would risk it at this point. It's so infested with malware, with seemingly no moderation, and no meaningful original releases.
And a myriad of fake ones piggybacking off the original URL to JavaScript your mouse clicks into link backs so it takes 8 clicks on a link to find the file is dead anyway.
Agreed. I won't provide a link for the sake of not getting the site tarnished but I'll just say I've been attending a certain party that has proven decently reliable.
Funny thing is... you can still find it with duckduckgo, search.brave.com, qwant, searx..
plus even on google, you can click any of the first several links - including wikipedia - and the link is easy to find. sadly 'reddit pirate bay' is easy to find TPB link from but 'lemmy pirate bay' doesn't have TPB link without more searching (and even more sad, the first result isn't dbzer0 but a community on the ml instance)