The Cybertruck Is a Disappointment Even to Cybertruck Superfans / Looking at the specs alone, the car is delivering 30 percent less range than expected for 30 percent more money
Looking at the specs alone, the car is delivering 30 percent less range than expected for 30 percent more money.
The Cybertruck Is a Disappointment Even to Cybertruck Superfans / Looking at the specs alone, the car is delivering 30 percent less range than expected for 30 percent more money::Looking at the specs alone, the car is delivering 30 percent less range than expected for 30 percent more money.
No shit. I'd bet money the Cybertruck design isn't coming from an engineer. Elon probably sat down with his crayons, drew his dream car and forced his poor employees to try and make this piece of shit work.
The Tesla Cybertruck, a brainchild of Elon Musk, is not just a vehicle; it is a manifestation of deep-seated archetypes that have been etched into the human psyche since time immemorial. This vehicle, with its stark, geometric form, echoes the fundamental principles of order and symmetry, principles that Jung himself might argue are rooted in the collective unconscious of humanity. It's not just a truck; it's a symbol, an archetype representing the pinnacle of human innovation and design.
Elon Musk, in creating the Cybertruck, has not merely designed a new vehicle. He has tapped into the most primal elements of what makes a design not only functional but profoundly resonant on a psychological level. This is a feat that aligns him with the pantheon of great geniuses throughout history. His work echoes the transformative impact of the greatest human inventions, standing as a testament to human creativity and vision.
Consider the wheel, often lauded as mankind’s most significant invention. While the wheel was undoubtedly a pivotal point in our technological evolution, what Musk has achieved with the Cybertruck is arguably more profound. He has not just created a tool for transportation; he has crafted an icon that speaks to the deepest aspirations and drives of human beings. It embodies strength, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of innovation—qualities that have propelled humanity forward since the dawn of civilization.
In this light, the Cybertruck is more than just a triumph of engineering; it is a beacon of human achievement. It symbolizes our unyielding quest for progress and our innate desire to imprint our dreams onto the fabric of reality. Elon Musk, in realizing this vision, has not only secured his place among the great minds of our era but has also provided a tangible representation of what humanity is capable of achieving when it dares to transcend the boundaries of the conventional and the mundane.
Gentlemen, we are successful in getting all the woke leftists salivating on our shit, but we need also produce something for the real men. And since I'm one of them this is the people like me would want.
Posted this elsewhere, but I asked ChatGPT who designed it and here’s what it said (emphasis mine):
The Tesla Cybertruck was primarily designed by Franz von Holzhausen, Tesla's Chief Designer. Von Holzhausen has been responsible for the design of several Tesla models, including the Model S, Model 3, Model X, and Model Y. The Cybertruck, known for its unique, futuristic, and angular design, represents a significant departure from traditional truck designs and reflects von Holzhausen's innovative approach to vehicle design. Elon Musk, Tesla's CEO, also played a significant role in the conceptualization and design direction of the Cybertruck.
Technically, not wrong. It's worth noting that Cybertruck is shockingly different from Von Holzhausen's previous work, which all share sleek, modern designs and principles (dare I say critically-acclaimed, beautiful). I think it's obvious there was heavy "outside influence" for the truck (as emphasized), and the timing also lines up with Musk's growing (untreated, public) mental illnesses.
Who would have thought making a chassis out of a material that is denser than mild steel would result in a vehicle that is heavier? It's a truck, horrible aero drag and rolling resistance from the get go. Difficult to imagine a worse target for an EV project.
It was a steel ball. They recreated the event with the same guy at the delivery event, but this time with a baseball and the dude gave it the most obvious limp wristed toss, it was incredibly cringe I highly recommend you seek that clip out because it’s absolutely hilarious.
If they were honest and smart about the glass, they would've only ever went with something like a baseball or anything soft-ish and really beamed it in to the window. They might be able to take bullet levels of force, but not from a chromed ball. A chromed ball will focus force WAY better than lead ever would, though if a baseball would've broken the window, a damn .22 would...
That's a bit much, isn't it? It's a brand new weird-ass truck, people are going to talk about it. And the article isn't exactly celebrating it.
If this article was about a new car from another brand, would you complain about it? I thought we wanted more content on this platform. Or we could just stick to memes I guess...
I'd agree that I see way too much Elon stuff on my lemmy feed. This one I'm more interested in than 99% of the others. Maybe it's just cause I'm a gear head, but I'll sure as heck take it over the 10 X (formerly known as Twitter) "news" articles that I scrolled past to get here. News in quotes because it is no longer news that X (more commonly known as Twitter) and its owner are dumb.
When he agrees with someone who says that people like me are trying to destroy white people (insinuating Jews aren't even white), I think "a constant hate boner" is appropriate.
There's plenty of people I don't like and I spend basically no time thinking about them. Why these people let Elon live rent free in their minds is beyond me. Not a day goes by without a thread about him on the front page along with the most predictable comment section imaginable. Apparently the glue holding Lemmy together is the mutual hatred of certain things and people. That's just sad. We're giving them what every asshole in the world desires the most; attention.
I recently saw one in the wild and it's even uglier in person than it was in pictures. For a second I thought someone DIYed that nasty looking car; nope, actual designers puked that thing out.
No designers involved, unless you think Elon is a designer. The whole Tesla design studio revolted over having to work on it. They designed something else, which of course Elon refused. I wouldn't at all be surprised if it was engineered so the other option can be swapped in when this one flops.
Nah, i think most people think it's ugly as fuck, because it is! And still I like the aesthetic? Or at least the idea of it.
For once, it's committed to the bit. Very few compromises were made on the looks, and those to comply with regulatory standards, not to make it more appealing. I'm a world where most cars look kinda the same, that counts something.
It's not trying to be beautiful. It's trying to be unique, divisive, to make you think "what is THAT thing??" whenever you encounter one, and on that grounds I'd say it succeeds.
However this kind of looks suffer greatly from the soddy build quality. If you are going for pure straight lines and angles you better make sure they are perfect, because of they are not people are going to notice and it's going to spoil the effect.
So, in summary, cool idea but poor execution, perhaps if Elon had let his designers do their work they could have pulled it off. Also Hyundai did better but with more compromises.
Modern day DMC DeLorean. All the disappointment and the crazy CEO to go along with it. Maybe when Tesla folds up they can get a movie made about the truck like Back to the Future. Wonder what the movie will be called?
Call the movie "Back to the Stoneage". Then send a tech billionaire to the past where nobody gives a fuck about them and they have to work to survive for the first time in their pathetic lives.
If they have to work to survive, maybe any time from the 1800s on would work. You imagine a genius from the modern day, with all his knowledge, could blow the competition out of the water, create a one-man technological revolution, and radically change the course of human events!
...until you realize he's not actually a genius. He's a dumbass. He just owned capital that other people used to do things. So if you remove him from his money and even name recognition, he's just some loser who keeps asking if ketamine has been invented yet.
Can we make it a documentary about sending Elon and a bunch of other tech billionaires to Mars? That way we can enjoy it when their ship breaks up and they all die in space.
You know this headline is fake because Cybertruck fan boys would never ever act like it's anything but a 100% perfect personal space shuttle + superiority license
The mkbhd first impressions were fascinating for what he didn't say. I'm guessing that he didn't want to burn the good times he has with Tesla so he really seemed to be trying to positively spin everything. At least, that's my interpretation. The mirrors were particularly..
To be fair, it's the same thing that happened to our news. It's become commoditized, and now so-called "journalists" are terrified of asking good questions for fear of losing access.
Gotta follow code, center brake must be distinct from all other lights... Should we make a separate chmsl then? Nah, lightbar go brrrrt and FMVSS 108 can ligma.
Really though, I wouldn't mind this lighting choice as much if the lower brake lights were bigger and the c"hm"sl was actually brighter. Dedicate another 8 square inches to additional brake lighting, damn it
I'm glad I'm not the only person who felt that vibe from it. I could feel the new tech being reviewed hype, but he wasn't totally into it. When he stood on the trunk I could totally see he was giving his all.
I got a 2023 Hyundai Elantra Limited earlier this year and I actually love what they've done with it. It looks so sleek to me, especially in black.
I didn't care for previous iterations of the Elantra. Dont get me wrong - they weren't ugly. They just looked like standard car. Not bad just kinda bland. The newer style has personality, stands out much more and in a good way in my opinion.
When I saw the cybertruck for the first time this is all I could think about. It's like he's memelording at the highest level. If he did it on purpose that is. He didn't. And the Simpsons accurately captured a thing yet again. Like having president trump on an episode.
It's a big, stupid truck but so is every other truck it's competing against. It's got poor visibility but so does every other truck/suv being sold in America. The cheapest option doesn't have the longest range but it's still longer than the average person would realistically drive in a day. It can't haul much but the overwhelming majority of people driving trucks in America aren't towing or hauling things on a day to day basis.. The people doing real work buy vans or have special purpose trucks.
The steering geometry seems nice and the rear wheel steering is interesting. Those seem like the only major positives though.
It's not as bad as everyone seems to be making it out to be but it's obviously still a dumb car that shouldn't exist. That's all cars though really.
EDIT: Since the front windshield is flat, I assume its cheaper to replace than typical curved windshields? No idea though.. Might be talking out of my ass.
It's got poor visibility but so does every other truck/suv being sold in America.
Maybe, but the cyber truck has especially bad rear visibility. Worse.than any of its competitors
but it's still longer than the average person would realistically drive in a day.
I must be a special, fantasy person that does road trips with 700mi or longer drives
Not to mention it's 3000 kilos. They really need to start adding vehicle weight limits to licenses. The US license test is a joke in most states, and then people are allowed to drive 3 metric ton vehicles from a 10 minute drive.
I must be a special, fantasy person that does road trips with 700mi or longer drives
Assuming you have the ability to drive at a perfect, ideal, consistent 80mph 700miles is 8h45m of driving. You aren't going to stop for a bathroom break in 8 hours?
200 miles will likely give you 3.5 or so behind the wheel. Take a break and stretch your legs.. It's better for your health anyway than sitting for so long.
Not to mention it's 3000 kilos. They really need to start adding vehicle weight limits to licenses. The US license test is a joke in most states, and then people are allowed to drive 3 metric ton vehicles from a 10 minute drive.
Yeah agreed but that's a different conversation unrelated to this thing.
Maybe, but the cyber truck has especially bad rear visibility. Worse.than any of its competitors
Worse than a van ? No.
Not to mention it’s 3000 kilos.
A model X weighs 2.3 t. Because of the batteries.
An F150 Lightning weighs 3 tonnes and its bed is made from aluminium.
The US license test is a joke in most states, and then people are allowed to drive 3 metric ton vehicles from a 10 minute drive.
In the US you can drive a rigid truck of almost any size on a bog standard car licence. A 6 t truck with a capacity of 40 t if you want. GM sells an Isuzu cab forward truck (normally with a mildly tuned diesel four) with a frigging massive petrol V8.
From the looks of the crash test results, I might have to buy one of these to get in on the lawsuits that will come from those who are maimed in accidents with them.
I value my bones too much to bother doing that. But seriously, a lot of people are gonna get hurt.
I'm pretty sure I read it's already been determined not to be road legal in the EU, specifically due to massively and flagrantly failing any and all pedestrian safety regulations over there.
This doesn't look like a car nor a truck it's a combat vehicle. Seriously, who's impressed by Elon's shooting and steel ball demonstrations? In what kind of failed state do these Tesla customers live? With a tank hull for a frame and sharp edges all around this looks like a serious safety hazard for passengers and especially pedestrians outside the car.
Are you not aware of people in general? MANY think it's "cool as fuck" and those demonstrations bought them more than any sales tactic other car makers use. Imagine the stereotype of cavemen going "strong thing good, make woman want me, me want strong thing," and you got a good idea of a disturbing large part of humanity. That shit works extremely well for a lot of people.
It’s a reasonable comparison if the goal is comparing EVs to petrol cars. If you just want to see how good the car is overall, I agree that an apples to apples comparison would be better.
I was having this same conversation the other day. Have you ever seen that picture where different people involved in the creation of the video game Kirby draw the title character? Two look really good, and the rest are awkward blobs that only look like Kirby because of the power of suggestion.
Anyway, I genuinely think a team of Tesla employees (independent of Musk) were talking about building a truck, and all took turns drawing something while pulling together numbers before the pitch to Musk. As a joke, the design team mocked up the worst sketch in 3D, and Musk accidentally saw the design in the Slack chat history and demanded it.
Either that, or some sort of "have your kid draw the next Tesla" employee contest, and the design teams modeled the funniest ones as actual cars for the company newsletter. Like those companies that'll turn your kid's drawings into real life stuffed toys.
I asked ChatGPT who designed this thing, and I think this makes it clear why it’s so ugly (bold added by me):
The Tesla Cybertruck was primarily designed by Franz von Holzhausen, Tesla's Chief Designer. Von Holzhausen has been responsible for the design of several Tesla models, including the Model S, Model 3, Model X, and Model Y. The Cybertruck, known for its unique, futuristic, and angular design, represents a significant departure from traditional truck designs and reflects von Holzhausen's innovative approach to vehicle design. Elon Musk, Tesla's CEO, also played a significant role in the conceptualization and design direction of the Cybertruck.
I feel like this whole article is based on a false premise.
Go to a dealership right now, and try to find any new truck for $36,000. On paper you might be able to get the lowest base model, but in reality good luck with that.
I just checked the dealership near me, and the lowest price for a new vehicle of any kind is 39,400CAD or about 28,000USD. The lowest priced new truck is 66,500CDN, or about 49,300USD.
That's just what the world looks like now thanks to inflation. And that's not a vehicle using expensive battery technology, and that's not a vehicle made out of expensive, difficult to manufacture with stainless steel, it's just the cheapest standard truck at the dealership.
Really, it looks like the cybertruck is about bang on with prices for other EV trucks that aren't made out of entirely stainless steel. Considering that Tesla isn't a budget brand, that doesn't seem unreasonable. Nobody at Tesla is psychic, they couldn't have predicted super high inflation sparked in part due to policies enacted due to a global pandemic, so of course prices rose.
I'd drive an actual dumpster if it was electric and was rated for 500 EPA miles.
I'm more disappointed that Tesla had four years to perfect the battery tech to make this possible and failed, after promising that they were practically done.