I was personally disappointed with GTA V, and a lot of people were disappointed by the GTA Trilogy remaster (not Rockstar-developed, but they are responsible).
If I could say GTA had an online at release I'd add that too. Granted, GTA Online only started getting good after a couple years of work got put into it.
GTA IV was a major letdown coming from SA. Also GTAO is a bad joke. It's always been shit, from the terrible architecture and netcode allowing rampant cheating, to the ages-long wait times for the simplest thing requiring matchmaking, to the "economy" in MP being completely ridiculous, to the shart cards.
I've only played SA, IV and V to any real degree. V's singleplayer is fine, but it's not like Rockstar is infallible - even when Take-Two is not twisting their arm to make it even shittier. Take-Two is a whole different story.
Idk, I thought it was solid. I loved the more realistic driving, mood of the city, and the story. The whole thing was fantastically done IMO, and I like it way better than GTA V (I hated the characters and was bored by the story).