GTA 6 trailer coming Tuesday, Rockstar announces
GTA 6 trailer coming Tuesday, Rockstar announces
The first Grand Theft Auto trailer will be released on Tuesday, 5th December.

Jezus has gaming come to this. An announcement for a trailer of an announcement dor a maybe release? Or teaser… fucking hell
33 3 Replymagic_lobster_party It was the same for GTA5 a decade ago or so. Same with GTA4. The trailer for a new GTA is a big thing.
17 1 Replydatavoid Just ask Rick Astley
1 1 Reply
revrsevolute Gotta get those preorderers hyped. Some would have preordered at the game development leak if Rockstar started selling them then.
6 0 Reply
Guster Reality
23 2 ReplySatyrSack
I love all the exaggerated future console names at the bottom, then PC is just PC.
17 0 ReplyRGB3x3 When are we getting a PC 2? It's been decades.
11 0 Reply
Plus another few years to wait for the Ultimate (Totally Complete This Time, For Real!) Edition to go on sale for $4.99.
3 0 Reply
I'm totally not going to get hyped for that. GTA 5 is so long ago, we don't know if they still know how to make good GTA games. The online part will be infested with grind and microtransactions, so I only care about singleplayer.
11 1 Replyat_an_angle
I'm fully ready to be disappointed and see it become an MMORPG.
3 0 Reply
Herbal Gamer
Can't wait to pirate this :D
5 0 ReplyCaptainSpaceman Kinda feel like something big will come with this game. Something innovative.
So im ready to be disappointed when its just GTAV reskinned
5 0 Reply342345 It's just the trailer, but it's not the trailer I'm waiting for.
3 1 Replyfhek Please don’t let me down.
Please don’t let me down.
Please don’t let me down.
6 4 ReplyJulian Dude it's a triple-a video game, of course it's gonna let you down.
21 4 Replyseaneoo When has a Rockstar developed game let you down?
8 1 ReplydylanTheDeveloper
Never gonna give you up
1 0 Reply
revrsevolute It'll be good after "substantial additions" to the game's story mode are promised and then forgotten. They'll have all the bugs worked out by then.
4 0 Reply
Who's ready for the woman lead saying straight white males are evil, the unfun ancient shooting mechanics and who could forget the new $80 price tag
4 3 Reply