You're prioritizing your own survival over filling the pockets of the salvation army leadership? (They are quite well "compensated" for their "efforts")
I actually got a grant from a local animal shelter and I was planning on giving back... until I checked my email to see if I got any clients and found out that they've been sending astronomical amounts of spam there (I definitely never consented to that, it was my professional email) and quickly reconsidered. Same reason i'm never donating to wikipedia ever again. I didn't give you my email so you could slam it with commercials... Hope that quarter of a penny you got was worth it, assholes, because once i'm done cleaning up you're never seeing another cent from me ever again. Donated to antifa once, got a single email saying "Remember that cause you donated for? We won."
I use that as a litmus test. I now have a "spam" email and donate small amounts. If they spam that email, I won't donate again.
I'm a fan of Toys For Tots as a direct alternative. They don't accept money; you just buy a toy and put it in the donation bin, and they distribute them