The cool thing about French manufacturers, is that they also make small/affordable electric cars.
Like the Renault Twizzy and the Citroen Ami. The latter costs something like 6k new, but IRC they're also (planning on) renting them out in cities or coastal towns. You know, like e-scooters.
Obviously, it's tiny and really basic, the range is relatively small, but that's all you really need in a city or for a commute.
Citroen Ami. The latter costs something like 6k new, but IRC they’re also (planning on) renting them out in cities or coastal towns. You know, like e-scooters.
You don't need a B license but you need a motorcycling/small engine vehicle license (BSR) like for a scooter, at least. I do wish the bar was a little higher though.
What's your beef with PHEVs? Most people use EV driving on them almost exclusively or at least a majority of the time. So your 83% number is way too high. And battery isn't practical for 100% of situations (there are no silver bullets). PHEVs are still a huge win. HEVs can go in the garbage though.
Year to date more EVs have been sold in the EU than diesel cars. A few years ago diesel cars made up ~50% of the vehicle mix (now both are around 14%). Technological revolutions can happen really fast!