Elon Musk pushed back on advertisers boycotting X over antisemitism and other hate speech on the platform formerly known as Twitter during the 2023 DealBook Summit in New York on Wednesday.
What he's saying: "If somebody's gonna try to blackmail me with advertising? Blackmail me with money? Go f**k yourself." Musk said. "Don't advertise."
It's actually been more than just pausing ads. There was a news story yesterday that a number of the big names have stopped using Twitter entirely since pausing too.
Twitter needs ad money, but it also needs these companies. If they stop using it to contact customers and make announcements, the appeal of Twitter falls heavily.
Just as with Donald Trump or America's other high profile narcissistic capitalists, Musk's shadow over society is entirely driven by the attention he is given. They DO NOT CARE what kind of attention it is. Clearly.
Stop following Xitter links. Stop regurgitating his idiotic vitriol of the day. Stop giving him oxygen.
Report on what his companies do or fail to do, report his business failures on objective terms. if you haven't realized by now, the nonsense he says is nothing but self-hype or in this case shock/outrage bait.
Just as with Trump when he was in office, the right thing to do is report on actions, not their baiting words.
Your example falls under that. How is his company actually parcipating, not participating, undermining, etc union negotiations? Thats legit. Hypothetically reporting on Elon xeeting "fuck unions herp derp im edgy!" during said negotiations is a bad idea on the other hand.
While I agree with the sentiment, he's only in deep shit right now because people talked about his antisemitic remarks. I think it's good to continue reporting on his idiotic vitriol as much as possible, because it's actively hurting him.
This. And also it makes the markets think twice about providing capital to this psychopath for future endeavors.
Because he's such a breathtaking narcissist, he's the front face of his companies, and that face is decaying in real time and the markets are reacting BECAUSE it's in zeitgeist to talk about it
"I have no problem being hated," Musk said, emphasizing that the trip was planned before his controversial post on X.
Grimes still doesn’t want you back, dude.
"What this advertising boycott is going to do [is] to kill [X]. The whole world will know that those advertisers killed the company and we will document it in great detail."
Spoken exactly like the person who doesn’t care if they’re hated or not. “I WILL DOCUMENT YOUR TRANSGRESSIONS IN GREAT DETAIL!!”
"What this advertising boycott is going to do [is] to kill [X]. The whole world will know that those advertisers killed the company and we will document it in great detail."
I, too, prefer making other people the scapegoat to avoid letting myself feel any personal responsibility over my actions.
He wants Twitter dead, he never wanted the company and he's stuck with it and is basically doing the most above board sabotage of the company he can get away with.
I don't really follow this. If he actually doesn't want Twitter to be a thing, there's a button in the data center that turns off all the servers. He can just push that. There's no law against it and he's the majority shareholder - what's he going to do, sue himself?
Wasn't he recently visiting israeli kibuts settlers and learning about the hamas attack just after the wave of press about antisemitism on X? He's fragile.
Although Mr. Musk acknowledged that an extended boycott could bankrupt X, he suggested that the public would blame the brands rather than him for its collapse.
The word he's looking for is "thank." As in I'd like to thank the brands not advertising on Twitter. Not just the ones that withdrew their current ad campaigns, but also and especially the brands that never advertised there. I'm glad he's documenting them because I can't be arsed to keep a list.
This statement is the strongest evidence I've seen so far that he actually doesn't know what he's doing. Anyone who was self-aware, anyone who didn't live in a double-hulled iron-clad bubble would certainly know that we are out here laughing at and blaming him. Not the brands.
If this isn't a sincere proof of his ignorance, then who is this statement even for? The brands don't believe this, and wouldn't care if they did. The public no longer has any horse in this race. He's talking to himself with this statement, and that's why it's clear that he truly has no idea what he's doing.
That’s… kinda pathetic, actually. He’s acting like a literal child. “I didn’t want the cookie anyways!”
I would laugh at the absurdity if he wasn’t in charge of a major communications network.
It’s kind of inspiring, really. A guy with the mental age of myself when I was a teenage edge-overlord can “effectively” run a massive social media website. I really can do anything! I mean, I could if I had an emeralds mine from my papa, but still!
Oh, but he does want it. At the same time he’s whining about how they’ll “kill X” and threatening to document it and tell the world what a victim he is.
That's the sort of thing I've been saying for years back when he first became involved with Tesla and SpaceX and everybody was fellating him for being such a "visionary" or whatever. I'd point out that what he was doing was nothing more than what any 12-year-old nerdy kid with a Popular Science subscription and a billion dollars would do, and would get downvoted to Hell for it.
I live in Ireland and for a very long time, I received so few ads I could simply block them away or tolerate them. Then one day, for no apparent reason, my feed was lousy with ads. Not relevant ads, or even generalised ads that anyone in Ireland might see - no, they were Chinese regional development ads, ads in Turkish, ads for various NGOs in Africa. It was absolute meaningless dreck. Were Twitter putting these in my feed as a bug, or to boost impressions of this junk to skim some pennies? I have no idea.
But I uninstalled the app. When I use twitter I launch it through Firefox mobile and uBlock origin and all the ads are stripped out. I don't know if the feed issue I suffered was fixed or is still there. I don't care any more. The way I look at it is, is Twitter is the predominant social media out there but there are many others. I'll leech off the service and if Elon burns his platform to the ground, then there is always somewhere else. He makes out that the world will rise up against advertisers but the reality is Threads or Bluesky will takeover and that will be that.
Make a Mastodon account, and migrate your X account to Mastodon. Apparently you can set them up to sync with each other, but I'm not sure how, as I never had a Twitter.
"What this advertising boycott is going to do [is] to kill [X]. The whole world will know that those advertisers killed the company and we will document it in great detail."
The whole world has been watching Musk single-handedly tank the company since he acquired it.
It's like watching a dude punch himself in the dick, over and over. Eventually you stop laughing and watch in horrified fascination to see how much he can take before he keels over.
I don't. Though I do follow a couple feeds for important things like the local NWS office. As soon as they post regularly elsewhere that can include notifications of new posts, I'll happily drop them and Xitter.
This is the thing keeping the Xitter paper-bag-of-poop from being set on fire - a clear, easy, how-to for municipal and government agencies to get on mastodon and cross-post for a temporary period.
That's not the behaviour of a adult, that's also not the behaviour of someone in charge of a company I want to give any of my time to and certainly not the behaviour of someone who should be in charge of this Internet bank thing he wants X to become.
Exactly, his “graveyards are full of my enemies” batshit rant reminded me exactly of “strafing runs in my underwear”. Dude’s fucking gakked to the gills or whatever’s stupider and worse than coke.
"What this advertising boycott is going to do [is] to kill [X]. The whole world will know that those advertisers killed the company and we will document it in great detail." -Musk
Who would have thought that a company stopping advertising on an internet platform would actually be some of the greatest advertising?
What a ridiculous thing to for Musk to say. He clearly can’t handle being wrong or to blame. These companies are not under any obligation to advertise and support him or his business. His job is supposed to be to provide a platform where they want their ads to be seen, and failing do that, he’s acting like a victim instead.
These companies are not under any obligation to advertise and support him or his business.
You mistake my meaning. I'm talking about the advertisers that dropped Twitter. Those companies earn respect because they stopped advertising on Twitter. It cost those companies nothing to stop advertising on Twitter, and earns them a good name.
Musk acted stranger in that interview than even his default setting. It looks like he's on something. If I were a shareholder in one of his companies I'd be wondering if he's about to have to check into rehab and/or the funny farm.
Anyway regarding his comments, telling the companies that are the lifeblood of Twitter to go f themselves is very brave. In the British understated sense meaning of "very brave", i.e. suicidally dumb.
Oops I killed the nerve center of American journalism that constantly reported on my repeated business failure, legal and ethical malfeasance, sexual misadventures, and despicable origin.
Of note: At one point, he also looked out at the audience and said "Hey Bob, if you're in the audience," presumably in reference to Disney CEO Bob Iger who spoke on stage earlier. "That's how I feel, don't advertise," he added.
FFS. Tesla, SpaceX - what are you doing? Eject this chud now.
Since many. many people still call it twitter, he is still killing the brand name. Google tried to rebrand as alphabet and FB as Meta but everyone still knows them as goofle and fb.
If/When the business folds I feel the office furniture will be worth more than the Twitter brand.
I feel like meta is slowly succeeding at getting people to call them meta when not referring directly to the Facebook website specifically. Like for their idiotic VR initiative and whatnot. Slowly. And it helps that it’s in the context on non-Facebook-the-website activities.
Not a surprise at all. Just funny. I don't even disagree with them (despite the down votes) I'm just self aware enough to recognize when I'm being like that lol